

What are the neo Nazis current beliefs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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They believe everything that a nazi would but because hitler and the nazi's reign ended they are neo nazi's and they believe that man is greater than god

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there is about 6,000 Neo-Nazis existing today, I know this because I am a Neo-Nazi. I still beileve that what the Führer was doing was right. Even tho we do try to spread the word and beliefs of the Führer but it hurts me to say but we can proably never again get to the amount of people we had believing Hitler.

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There are now neo-Nazis in many countries.

Who do the Neo-Nazis target?

The Neo-Nazis target the same groups as the Nazis did - plus Muslims in some cases. The same people that the Nazi government did as well as sone muslims

What is the neo Nazi agenda?

Neo-Nazis support a fascist and totalitarian government

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No, in fact, no Black person on the planet is a neo-Nazi.

Where are neo Nazis located?

Neo-Nazis are located wherever ignorance and poverty, inflamed by hateful rhetoric, inspire the weak-minded to racial and cultural violence. if you become part of this group, they have a ceremony for you. Most Neo Nazis are in America because it's legal to speak about Nazism. Most of the Neo-Nazis are located in the United States. A lot of them are in North America because they believe that the united states should only be allowed to have Whites or Nazis!

What are hypatias beliefs?

She was a Neo-Platonist.

Other names for neo-Nazis?

skin heads" is a term that is used by them. Also "arians"..."White supremists"

How many terrorists are there in Czech Republic?

No terrorists, but lots of Neo Nazis.

Are Neo Nazis mentally insane?

No, for the most part just racist.