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Hi! I used to have two gerbils (one died) and they like to sleep alot but they also like to eat, but not always if they are not hungry, they love to dig and they are very inquizative. But it depends because your gerbils personalitys might be different!

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all members of the community will help to build the nest. if a female is pregnate she will often use the old nest while the rest make a new one.

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Q: What are the nesting habits of gerbils?
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How many gerbils live in a ten-gallon tank?

You can comfortably fit 2 gerbils. Make sure you get 2 not 1 because they are social. Make sure your gerbils have lived together before you buy them because if not there will be fighting. Good luck!

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Why does your gerbil have a bloody nose?

Gerbils mucas is red. People often mistake it for blood. Chances are the gerbil's nose is just irritated, but if it is prolonged it could be caused by an allergy from the bedding or nesting materials used. If this is so switch beddings and see what works. Also make sure all nesting material is unfragranced or dyes because they are known to irritate gerbils.

Do mom or dad girbles eat baby girble?

It's Gerbils. There so much information to be found about gerbils and their young online. Every now and then they will eat their young. Usually only if there's something wrong with it, or it is stillborn. Make sure they have a private nesting area in their enclosure for privacy and just don't touch the gerbil pups for a week after birth. Good luck

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When was The Nesting created?

The Nesting was created in 1981.