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the pacification techniques of american

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Q: What are the pacification techniques used by the American to colonize Philippines?
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Related questions

How many years did the American colonize the Philippines?

The Americans colonized the Philippines for about 33-40 years.


Miguel López de Legazpi initiated the colonization of the Philippines in the 16th century on behalf of Spain. He established the first Spanish settlement in Cebu in 1565 and later moved to Manila, gaining control through a combination of military force, alliances with local rulers, and the spread of Christianity. This colonization marked the beginning of more than three centuries of Spanish rule in the Philippines.

Why did US colonize the Philippines?

because it was one of the contract of the Spanish government to the American government that they will give up Philippines as their colony

Why did the americans colonize the Philippines?

The Americans wanted to colonize the Philippines because they have a deal or the treaty of Paris with the Japanese who sell the country to them

Where does Philippine English belong to in the world Englishes?

Philippine English belongs to the outer circle of World Englishes, as defined by Kachru's model. It is a variety of English used by speakers in the Philippines as a second language, influenced by the local linguistic and cultural context.

Motivated of Japanese to colonize the Philippines?

for control of shipping lanes.

Why America colonize the Philippines?

Because they want our Natural Resources.

What is the tool used by the Spaniards to colonize the Philippines?

The cross and sword

President McKinley based his decisions to make the Philippines an American colony?

The Philippines was a Spanish owned colony from 1521-1898, after the Spanish lost the Spanish-American war the Americans took over. President William McKinley decided to colonize because it was a good point of trade with China.

Why Philippines is profoundly influenced by scholasticism?

Because it was their ignorance that enable the Spanish Missionaries to colonize the Philippines for 333 yrs. "No More to Ignorance"

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No. Italian people did come to the early American colonies, but Italy didn’t colonize.

What were two majors reasons for Europeans to colonize the American continent?

Two major reasons for Europeans to colonize the American continent are freedom and opportunity.