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Q: What are the physical effects of activity theory?
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What are the effects of physical activity on enzyme activity?

Physical activity can alter the shape of enzyme which can cause damage or may the enzyme become inactive

What were the effects of playing basketball to physical and mental heatlh?

The effects of playing basketball or engaging in any physical activity has positive changes in physical and mental health. Physical activity has been proven to combat depression and keeps the human body healthy and strong.

Is regular physical activity has been linked to high blood pressure?

No, there is a correlation between regular physical activity and its effects on lowering blood pressure

By what measure is regularity of exercise important?

effects diminish with lack of exercise within two weeks if physical activity is substantially reduced; the fitness effects disappear altogether within two to eight months if physical activity is not resumed.

What are the Long term effects of physical activity on the endocrine system?

joints seasing up

What are the effects of asthma in our daily life?

Irritating cough sputum generation and restricted physical activity

What is James maxwell the founder of?

Electromagnetic theory, a branch of physics involving electricity and magnetism. Maxwell produced a mathematical theory linked the two physical effects in a unified theory.

Is there any physical differences of a virgin male or not?

No, sexual activity does not have any physical effects. Self-esteem and self-confidence do increase after a male loses his virginity.

What effects does karate have on your health?

Like all physical activity, it improves your overall strength. The activity reduces stress, build muscle, improves flexibility and helps balance.

What are the effects of mental health caused by physical activity?

Physical activity plays a huge role in keeping good mental health. There are the obvious effects and benefits of physical activity, such as getting in shape and therefore improving your overall body image. By keeping in shape, one naturally is going to receive a moral boost as well as an increase in self image because they are less worried about their weight and appearance and take pride in it. As well, physical activity provides a physical as well as emotional boost. By being active, the muscles are allowed to stretch and flex. Lack of physical activity will lead to stiffness, as well as muscle atrophy and tightness. On a hormonal level, physical activity releases the hormones known as endorphins. Endorphins provide one with the "runners high" or the emotional uplifting one gets after finishing a workout, which will usually last for hours after the activity. Physical activity, along with a good diet, can prevent numerous lifestyle disease such as diabetes 2, as well as help treat/reduce the severity of others, such as asthma. It cannot be stressed how important physical activity is to the human body, and when done correctly only has positive effects.

What Physical activity that makes talking difficult is considered to be?

Vigorous Physical Activity :)

Physical activity that makes talking difficult is considered?

Vigorous physical activityVigorous Physical Activity :)Vigorous Physical Activity :)Moderate Physical activityModerate Physical activityreadingreadingVigorous physical activityYouYou