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With the next presidential election almost three years away, one can only speculate. Many believe that the current frontrunners are Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former Secretary of State and wife of former President Bill Clinton, for the Democratic Party and Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey, for the Republican Party. However, I doubt that anyone has formally announced their candidacy at this point, and anything can happen over the next few years.

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John McCain is the Republican candidate and Barack Obama is the Democratic candidate for the presidential election of 2008.

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Q: What are the president canidates?
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How is the vice-president elected?

The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.

How does a person go from candidate to president?

if they get more votes than the other canidates

How does the us chose a president?

the us ellects a president by goin to a nearby school, community place, or local cop place and there are machines that have the canidates names and you chose a candate and hit sumit... :)

What do canidates do on the campaign trail?

All of the above

How did Gorbachevs policy of democratization change how elections were held in 1987?

Before voters could only approve canidates that were already handpicked by the communist party--Now voters could choose from a list of canidates for each office (Voters chose lesser-known canidates over the powerful party bossees)

Group which supports its beliefs and canidates for office?

political party

Why do presidential canidates run for office?

Because they want to serve in Congress.

Who were the canidates for president in the election of 1856?

Democratic Party: Minister to Great Britain James Buchanan of Pennsylvania Republican Party: former U.S. Senator John C. Frémont of California Know-Nothing Party: former President Millard Fillmore of New York

Why are more delegates needed for a democrat to win the nomination?

maybe because there are fewer canidates

How did nominating coventions allow the people more say in politics?

the canidates were selected by party leaders

Who was the canidates for the presidential eletion of 1769?

There was no presidential election in 1769. There was no United States yet at the time.

When did it become common for presidential canidates to have speeches?

William Henry's 1840 campaign slogan