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Q: What are the reasons for the rise of Safavid?
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Rise and fall of the Safavid empire?

Rise through the ottomans and and Made by Eal

How did cultural blending by the shah abbas contribute to the rise of the safavid empire?

The Safavid Empire was in close proximity to major trade routes which promoted cultural blending

Why did the Shiites eagerly support the Safavid rulers?

Safavid rulers were shiites.

Did the shi'ite control the safavid dynasty?

Yes, they did control the Safavid Empire.

Who founded the safavid dynasty and when?

the lsmail founds the safavid dynasty in 1501

What safavid product did europeans want?

Many Europeans wanted Safavid Carpets.

Who was the leader of the salavid empire?

The Safavid (not Salavid) Empire was ruled by the Safavid dynasty.

Is shakira azerbaijanian?

Yes her father is Lebanese and From Safavid. And Safavid is Azerbaijanian empire.

What was the capital of the Safavid Empire?

According to, Isfahan was the capital

What city is isfahan the capital of?

Isfahan was the capital city of the Safavid Empire. The Safavid Empire was considered Persia. IF you need more info, look up the "Safavid Empire"

What was the reason for conflict between the ottoman and safavid empire?

The Safavid and Ottoman dynasties were both of Turkish ethnicity. The Safavid empire extended from the Caucasia ( Armenia, Azeribijan, etc.) to India, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, and parts of central Asia and the Caspian Sea.The Ottoman empire, on the other hand, ruled the the rest of the Islamic empire (Middle East, Balkans, and North Africa). The Ottoman empire was older and stronger than the young Safavid empire, but the Ottomans were alarmed as the Safavid strength and influence grew and felt their interest was threatened. Moreover, the Safavid followed Shia Islam, while the Ottoman people were followers of Sunni/Sufi Islam. But the main reasons for the conflict are rather political than for sectarian religious factors as many try to force this idea of Sunni/Shia conflict. As the Safavid empire grew, it pushed its territories as far as Iraq and eastern Turkey, carving for itself a considerable chunk of Ottoman territory. This was the point when the Ottomans felt in danger and waged war on their cousins the Safavid.

Were there sufi Muslims in 18th century safavid empire?

There were Sufis in the Safavid Empire, but they were often persecuted and marginalized.