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Q: What are the relevance of elective courses in undergraduate schools?
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The subjects listed here are the elective courses for secondary schools?


Is Spanish an elective?

yes in most schools spanish is an elective but for some it is required

What schools have tackle football as a elective?

none. It is a sport. Colleges might have a flag football elective.

Why do you have to learn Earth Science?

Most, if not all, schools in the US require science courses to be taken during highschool. Different schools and districs have different policies of which classes you HAVE to take. Some may require you to take specific science courses or may count classes like welding or other science/technical related elective towards those required science courses.

Are there any teenage finance courses?

There are more than likely local finance courses to sign your kids up for. Many public high schools offer finance courses your teenager could take as an elective credit. Most colleges offer finance courses as well. If neither of these are option, you can look into an online college finance course.

Can you take all your undergraduate medical courses in the air force?

As long as the school is a regionally accredited institution you can. Some courses taken through military occupation schools may also be able to be transferred. Still, you will need to complete the bachelor's degree.

What schools offer Pasma Training courses?

There are many schools in the world that offer Pasma training courses. In the United Kingdom, there are schools in Manchester and Birmingham that offer the courses.

what do psychology schools teach?

Psychology is a large field that often requires specialization if you wish to pursue it fully. Metaphysics is certainly an option, and most universities also involve elective courses and options for minors that could cover this for you as well.

Does a university only offer a graduate program as opposed to a college only offering an undergraduate program?

Yes, many universities offer both graduate and undergraduate courses. You may want to look into Bentley, one of the best business schools offering courses for undergraduates and graduates. The Bentley Porfolio 360 program for graduates offers each student a choice of subjects from over 190 courses and can accommodate your personal lifestyle as many of these courses are as evening courses on campus, or online.

What are some of the top undergraduate business schools?

Some of the top undergraduate business schools is the University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan and University of California.

What schools are the best graphic design undergraduate schools in Europe?

The Basel School of Design, Switzerland

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