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the result of can your body tell the time temperature time of day is that you all need to figure it out by yourself go to Google because i was trying to find it but i couldn't found it so adios

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Q: What are the result of can your body tell the temperature of time of day?
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What do you mean by basal body temperature?

Your basal body temperature is your body temperature immediately upon rising in the morning. One use of basal body temperature is a woman can tell if she has ovulated based on recording this temperature over time. Before a women ovulates, her basal body temperature is lower. Once she ovulates and her levels of progesterone rise, so does her basal body temperature. There are special thermometers to measure BBT, but you can also just use a regular thermometer.

When is the best time of the day to take an body temperature?

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How does the time of day affect your body temperature?

I think that it does because if it is cold , your body temperature goes lower and if its hot or warm your body temperature will rise

A student claims that the thermometers are useless because a thermometer always registers its own temperature. how would you respond?

It is true that thermometers always registers its own temperature.When thermometers are in contact with a respective body heat is exchanged between the thermometer and the body.After some time they are in equilibrium state.As both of their temperature are now the same, temperature of thermometer is registered equal to that of the body as a result.

Does your body temperature tell the time of day?

Generally a person's body temperature is a little higher late in the day than it is early in the day, but I doubt that it is significant enough or that the cause is unique enough that it can be trusted as a clock. However, the best way to answer your question is to record your temperature every hour or two that you are awake for three to four weeks, then set up a graph with the x axis being the time of day and the y axis being the temperature, and mark each reading as a point on the graph. Then look at the result to see how linear it is, and, if so, if there is any slope to the line.

What keeps time but cannot tell you what time it is?

your body

Can you have the flu and have a normal body temperature?

You can be ill with a normal body temperature but if it was flu you would be sweating and shivering at the same time.

What will be your body temperature in 75 degree water?

Your body temperature will be about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit all the time. If your temperature falls much below that, you will die of hypothermia.

How is the body temperature and the temperature of the surroundings use to find the time of death?

don't know sorry

Why do your hands get so hot in the night time?

Our body sense of coldness within your body, sensory system acts to raise body temperature to match up with the temperature outside the body.

What are the symptoms of algor?

Algor or Algor Mortis is reduction of the body temperature upon death. As time passes, the body temperature lowers to room or environment level. As the body decomposes, temperature within tends to increase.

How can body temperature determine the time of death?

it is the temperature of the liver that determines the time of death (how long a body has been dead). that's why the medical examiner sticks a meat thermometer into the liver.