

What rights do criminals get?

Updated: 4/29/2024
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10y ago

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There are a number of constitutional rights to protect the accuse from either a wrongful conviction or a wrongful prosecution. These rights include those given in the Miranda warnings and the right to a jury trial. For more information see the related links below.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

Criminals are entitled to certain rights, such as the right to due process, the right to legal representation, the right to a fair trial, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. These rights are designed to ensure that individuals are treated fairly under the law, regardless of their actions.

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14y ago

In the US, when a person is arrested they are told their rights which are as follows: The right to remain silent, and the right to an attorney. The court is obligated to provide you with an attorney if you can't afford one.

It depends on the country you are in.

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10y ago

Criminals, as in the convicted, only the basic civil rights. Criminals, as in the accused, they should not be, nor can they legally be denied any rights.

They only exception, and that is coming under fire, is the right to be Mirandized upon arrest in the event public interest cannot be immediately protected in so doing.

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12y ago

yes, they have right! right to get caught an get imprison! and they have there right to live but not in the outside world but in the cage. but after they finish there service for there sins in the cage, they have there right to have a new life again and to be salvage.

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15y ago

ive been in juvie trust me the only right we have is the right to remain silent

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