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I am assuming you are looking for the word "Patent".

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Q: What are the rights of inventors called?
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Related questions

How do inventors protect their rights to what they invent?

They can patent it.

What did congress do in 1790 to protect rights of inventors?

a patent

What protects an inventors rights to invention?

A patent.

How does congress protect the rights of authors and inventors?

copyright clause

What gives inventors sole legal rights to their invention and its profits?

A patent.

What did congress do in 1790 to protect the rights of inventors?

In 1790, the United States Congress passed the Copyright Act. The act gave inventors and authors exclusive rights to their world for 14 years after its creation.

How can the intellectual property protect the rights of inventors scientists and artists?

Copyright law addresses the rights of people who create images.

Who is the people who invented stuff?

They are called 'inventors' and there are millions of them.

Why did industrialists like J. P. Morgan support the work of inventors?

Industrialists usually support inventors in exchange for patent rights. For example, Morgan backed Tesla and used his patents.

Who protects inventors and authors with patents and copyrights?

Congress passed the Copyright Clause, also known as Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, to protect inventors and writers. This grants them exclusive rights and patents to their work.

How did British industrial technology make its way to the U.S?

what did Congress do in 1790 to protect the rights of inventors? passed a patent law. how did British industrial technology make its way to the United States.

What is the protection of an inventors idea or invention?

Isnt it called a patentPatent