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If a 14 year old takes Birth Control it could lead her to be sexually active at her young age and she may not think she needs other form of protection. Remember that birth control does not prevent STD's. Also, nothing is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Birth control is 98-99% effective if you take it everyday at the same time and do not smoke. (I got pregnant on birth control and took it everyday at the same time and I do not smoke) So if you take it at different times, or miss a pill and you smoke it is less effective.

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12y ago

Assuming you are talking about using oral contraceptives, remember that oral contraceptives in general sort of 'short circuit' the normal process of ovulation by altering the hormone balance in your body and preventing the release of the egg. A 14 year old's body may respond differently to this, and long term use of OCs may also increase the already documented (in some studies) Breast cancer risks to women on OCs. On the other hand, ovarian and edometrial cancers may be decreased by OC use according to the NIH

A major problem especially with young people using oral contraceptives is that these methods do not protect against STDs. Protection against pregnancy is fine but many people fail to use barrier methods to protect from STDs because of a false sense of security due to use of OCs.

Younger people engaging in sexual activity dramatically increases risks of diseases, pregnancy, abusive relationships, depression, self-esteem issues and all those other things that even older people struggle with. I suggest seeking some counsel from a trusted and caring adult prior to engaging in sexual activity or using birth control at 14 if you can.

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11y ago

The same risks as when not taking birth control: brain damage

Smoking pot makes people truly stupid; and the only ones who don't know that are the ones smoking the pot and not smart enough to realize their brain continues to degrade.

It also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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11y ago

greatly increases the chances of getting High Blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, cancer. there are more but those are all on the warning label & well documented.

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Q: What are the risks of using birth control when you are 14 years old?
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It is certainly safe. Consult your doctor or other health professional.

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If you started the new birth control on time, starting no later than you were scheduled to start the next cycle of your old birth control, then there's no increased risk of pregnancy. If you started late, you might be at risk for pregnancy.

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i have for a while felt really bloted and gained over the 5 years probbobly 5 to 8 pounds not sure if it was from birth control. I always watch what I eat and am pretty active.

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depends what country you live in.. where i am from you must be 16 years of age to get birth control without a parent, if you have a parent with you they should give you the birth control pill any time after you have had your first period

Will an 18 year old girl get pregnant if NOT using a condom or birth control?

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