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Fowl smell (I couldn't resist)!!! Like they say "if it smells bad it probably is" Chicken should be used within 2-3 days or should be frozen. If in doubt throw it out!!! Do not feed it to your dog.

Additionally, if it smells yeasty, of ammonia or of rotten eggs (sulfurous), it is bad. If it is bone-in chicken, you can smell it near the joints first. A greenish tinge and/or sliminess are also not good.

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Q: What are the signs of raw chicken being spoiled?
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Is there a remedy to spoiled raw chicken?

No, once it is spoiled it isn't good to eat.

How do you get the smell of spoiled raw chicken out of a car?

rent an ozone generator.

What cooking technique can you do to a spoiled raw chicken?

You should never attempt to cook meat that has "gone off" or looks bad.

Is there a such thing as raw chicken?

Yes, after the chicken is killed and before it is cooked, it is raw chicken.

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You should NOT cook or eat ANY kind of spoiled meat.

What happened when a raw chicken stay in water for five days?

If raw chicken has been left to sit in plain water for 5 days, it isn't going to be very good. It will likely have absorbed excess moisture and will have lost flavor. Depending upon the temperature under which it has been held, it might be spoiled, too.

Can you catch a bullhead with raw chicken?

Yes, raw chicken pieces work. But I find that raw chicken livers work best.

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Sight and Smell!

Can raw chicken and leftover cooked chicken be combined when the purpose is making a soup?

No Cook the raw chicken then wack the already cooked chicken in with it :)

What illness do you get from eating unrefrigerated chicken?

Most likely, yes. Spoiled food emits an odor indicating the multiplication of bacteria has been taking place for a period of time. Foods can be potentially hazardous with no odor; odor is an indicator of further decomposition and rampant bacteria

Does raw chicken contaminate glass container?

Yes, raw chicken can contaminate anything it touches.

Is it safe to eat raw chicken pecked by birds?

No. It is unsafe to eat raw chicken, period.