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Within Skyrim, there is a variety of skill trees that affect the effectiveness of your character and progression to your overall level. The following skill trees are as follows:

Destruction: Affects your ability with destruction magic and the power of the spells i.e. Fire, frost and lightning attacks.

Alteration: Affects your ability with alteration magic and the strength and durabality of the spell i.e. Magical armour, candle light etc.

Illusion: Affects the durabilty and strength of your illusion magic i.e. Muffle, confusion, calm etc.

Restoration: Affects the strength and durabilty of your restoration magic i.e. Healing, bane of the undead etc.

Conjuration: Affects your ability to summon creatures from the Plane of Oblivion i.e. Daedra, atronarchs etc.

Enchanting: Affects the strength of your enchantments i.e. Armour, weapon, soul gems etc.

*The higher your skill in these particular catagories, the less the spell costs*

One-handed: Affects your damage from one handed weapons i.e. Daggers, swords etc.

Two-handed: Affectd your damage with two handed weapons i.e. Longswords, hammers etc.

Archery: Affects your damage with bows and crossbows.

Block: Affects your damage resistance when using a shield.

Heavy armour: Affects your damage resistance when wearing heavy armour i.e. Daedric, ebony, dragonbone etc.

Smithing: Affects your ability and strength to make armour.

Sneak: Affects your ability to remain undetected

Light armour: Affects your damage resistance whilst wearing light armour i.e. Hide, dragonscale, glass etc.

Alchemy: Affects the strength of potions and poisons.

Pickpocket: Affects the chance of you successfully picking someone's pocket.

Speech: Affects the cost of items at store and how much you get for selling items.

*All skills are leveled up by continuously using the specific skill*

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Q: What are the skill trees in The Elder Scrolls Skyrim?
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