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Anorexia can be considered a very "social" disease / disorder. Much of the source reasons of eating disorders develop from outside pressures, such as peers and media. Society tends to view women particularly with a "thin is good" ideal, and this can lead to eating diorders very easily, especially in young and teenage girls. Also, millions of people are affected by anorexia and other eating disorders. When talking, it is important to realise that someone may know an individual affected, and it can be a touchy subject for them. Many anorexics are also very self-conscious and secretive, so it is important to approach them and talk with them properly, and aviod doing or saying anything that may be triggering to them.

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Q: What are the social factors that you need to take into consideration when you talk about anorexia nervosa?
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What characteristics is NOT associated with anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia is not associated with a willingness to eat. Anorexics are not "lazy", either, as they will often exercise or constantly be moving to burn calories. Many anorexics are not very social as they tend to isolate or suffer from depression, too. In those who recover, energy intakes return to normal.~jmata

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Is Anorexia nervosa increasing?

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anorexia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes anorexia is becoming a wide problem now In days especially in teens that are misinformed or pressured by their peers. Also, in many others, such as actresses, that want to have "The Perfect Body". Hope this Helped --curscascis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, very much so.

Is Anorexia a Social Issue?

While there are personal or internal causes, anorexia is seen to be largely influenced and negatively caused by society.

Has anorexia impacted human culture?

Socially, anorexia is greatly harming our society. It is a little nagging bug on the back of society that shows us how destructive we (and the ideals) are becoming. For a perosn suffereing from anorexia, social problems can happen like isolation and depression, too.

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How does anorexia nervosa occur?

Anorexia nervosa is a serious health condition characterized by severely low body weight and a refusal to eat. It is characterized as both an eating and psychiatric disorder. Anorexia tends to affect mostly young women with about 1% of women in the United States suffering from the disease. Men with anorexia tend to be far less common. It can occur in different forms. Usually, it is a diet that keeps on going and going until the person begins to develop an eating disorder. Other factors involve a conscieous decision to lose weight, but the eating disorder just manifests iteself more and more as time goes on.

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What are the theories of the causes of anorexia?

There are many different theories on the causes of anorexia. For every case, there is no one exact cause, either. Instead, most cases of anorexia are from a combination of factors. Some of those factors are... *low self-esteem *low self-image / body-image *depression *result of teasting or bullying (often about weight or appearances) *peer pressure *family / friend / social influences *family history (genetics, but this is only a theory and is not fully tested or accepted) *BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder)

Why professionals think anorexia develops?

Professionals believe that the cause of anorexia is broad, and the disease can develop or stem from a number of problems. Most commonly, anorexia is believed to develop from mental problems, like depression, BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder), and now-self esteem. Anorexia can commonly happen as a reault of a simple, common diet that becomes excessive and too extreme. Some believe that anorexia might have a genetic link to it, as individuals with a mother who was anorexic have been seen to be more likely to develop an eating disorder, too. Some think that social factors, like media, can cause anorexia, but that is highy disputed.