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Continental and island arc volcanic chains are due to the collision of tectonic plates and the subduction of the more dense plate under the lighter, less dense plate. The resultant melting of the subducted crust as it reaches the mantle results in volcanism as the lighter, melted rock attempts to rise to the surface.

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Q: What are the tectonic conditions that lead to the formation of a chain of volcanoes on a continent and island arc volcanoes?
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What type of tectonic plate movement can cause the formation of mountains trenches or volcanoes?

weathering and erosion

How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the formation of the ring of fire?

The plate tectonics explains the locations of volcanoes. Each continent sits on one or more large bases tectonic plates. As the plates move, the continents atop them move, an effect called continental drift.

When are cone shaped volcanoes created?

They have been created during the formation of the earth millions and even billions of years ago. Earthquakes and tectonic plate shifts may help form volcanoes, and may even erupt them.

Are volcanoes in the center of tectonic plates?


Where do volcanoes mostly form?

Volcanoes usually form where tectonic plates meet.

How are islands formed without volcanoes?

Pieces of land break of from tectonic plates and then slowly start to drift. In enough time, the island could reach another continent.

Can volcanoes be cause by spreading tectonic plates?


Where do volcanos not form?

Volcanoes form on the ring of fire on the tectonic plates in the Atlantic Ocean so if you go further and further into the Atlantic Ocean there won't be volcanoes. And also on places that are miles from tectonic plates there won't be any there either. Just think if you were to go to a tectonic plate boundary there would be volcanoes now say you go 40 miles away from the tectonic plate there probably won't be volcanoes.

Which area on the world map is likely to have volcanoes above sea level?

Areas along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Ring of Fire around the Pacific Ocean, are likely to have volcanoes above sea level. This is due to the movement and interaction of the Earth's tectonic plates that create conditions for volcanic activity to occur.

What forms from convergent boundaries?

At convergent plate boundaries, mountains and volcanoes form. That goes for continent to continent collisions and ocean to continent collisions. However, trenches, like the Mariana Trench are formed when two oceans collide.

Why are no volcanoes found in certain parts of world?

Volcanoes are only found on the edge of tectonic plates & they can also be found on cracks in the tectonic plates which is un-common

What are some volcanoes in Barbados?

It was formed by the tectonic upliftment in the earth's crust.