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Q: What are the three Reich in German history?
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Why did the Nazi led German government call itself the Third Reich?

Because it saw itself as the successor to the second (and first) Reich, both high points in German history.

What is rich in German?

"Rich" in German translates to "reich."

Was Adolf Hitler's regime was called the Third Reich?

was Adolf Hitler regime called the third reich

Under Hitler's rule, what was Germany called?

The Third Reich

What was Adolf Hitlers name For the new German empire?

Third Reich Hitler wanted to call the new German Reich.

What was the nickname for the Nazi government?

Third Reich; Greater German Reich; Großdeutsches Reich

What is a Reich?

"Reich" is the German equivalent of the English word "Empire"


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Deutsches Reich = German Empire

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Why was Hitler's reign called the third Reich?

Reich means Realm, or Kingdom, or empire. The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire (heiliges Romisches Reich) The second Reich is the term for unified Germany, (before and during world war 1) the Third Reich is NAZI Germany.