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Specified how the National Government was to operate.

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Q: What are the three main ideas expressed in the Articles of Confederation?
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What were three things accomplished by the articles of confederation?

hi is answer

What are three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

slavery, drugs and animals

Does the Articles of Confederation have three branches?

The Articles of Confederation had only 1 branch the legislative branch. Each state only got one vote in Congress, no matter how small the population. The Articles of Confederation was soon turned into the constitution.

What are three problems with the Articles of Confederation?

The three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were that it limited the powers of Congress and preserved the powers of the states, Congress had little economic power, and the new confederation government was weak since there was no president to carry out the laws.

What three things was the congress respnsible for the articles of confederation?

they were responsible for food, health, and happiness.

What three pieces of paper founded the US?

bill of rights, articles of confederation and declaration of independence

The United States Constitution corrected a weakness of the articles of confederation by?

creating the three branches of government

What was the ratification for the Articles of Confederation?

Unlike the later United States Constitution, the Articles of Confederation required that all (then 13) states ratify the agreement before it could be put into effect. The ratification of the Articles of Confederation dragged on for over three years, stalled because many states refused to ratify it until specific conditions were met.

What three documents were the origin of the American government?

First the declaration of Independence, then the Articles of confederation to end with the constitution

How is the three branches of government different from the articles of confederation?


What was the Ratification process of the Articles of Confederation?

Unlike the later United States Constitution, the Articles of Confederation required that all (then 13) states ratify the agreement before it could be put into effect. The ratification of the Articles of Confederation dragged on for over three years, stalled because many states refused to ratify it until specific conditions were met.

In what way is the Constitution more flexible than the Articles of Confederation?

Amendments to the Articles of Confederation required an absolute unanimous approval. In contrast, the Constitution only required a three quarters approval, thus allowing lenience in the approval of amendments.