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The Jewish holy book is the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), containing the Torah and the prophetic books.

Tanakh is a Hebrew acronym of T, N, K which stands for the three parts of the Tanakh: Torah, Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).

The Torah, also called the Pentateuch, is the holiest. It is comprised of the five Books of Moses (also called the Books of the Law). The Torah was given by God to Moses (Exodus 24:12), who transmitted it to the people and wrote it (Deuteronomy 31:24). Its chief purpose is to teach the laws of Judaism; and it also teaches us historical highlights, attitudes, guidance, beliefs and more.

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Q: What are the three sections of the Hebrew Bible and which one do the Jews consider to be the most sacred?
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Both Judaism and Christianity consider the Hebrew Bible to be part of their sacred scriptures. Islam believes that the Hebrew Bible is the writings of the prophets of God but that the Koran is the ultimate prophecy given by God.

What is the sacred core of the Hebrew Bible?

The Torah (תורה)

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Why is the Hebrew bible sacred?

Because it's from God.

What is the most sacred part of the Hebrew scripture?

The most sacred part is the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible.

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The sacred book of Judaism is the Tanach - the Jewish Bible. The word Tanach is an acronym made up of the names of its three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), K'tuvim (Writings).

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The Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) has information about the Hebrew leaders. See also:

What is the Hebrew word for TaNaK?

Tanakh (תנ״ך) is an acronym for the 3 sections of the Hebrew Bible: the Torah, the Prophets (nevi'im) and the Writings (ketuvim)

What is the third sacred text in Judaism besides the Hebrew Bible and the Torah?

There is only one sacred text, the Hebrew Bible, of which the Torah is a part. There are several other writings of religious significance, such as the Talmud and Mishnah (writings of ancient rabbis). Only the Hebrew Bible is considered sacred by most Jews.

Why are sacred writing important to belivers?

To answer that question you need to know: WHO DECIDES whether something is 'Sacred' or not?Do 'believers' get to decide that? Some 'believers' consider the Bible 'sacred'. Others do not.Or would 'the Writer' decide something is sacred, and then expect the readers to consider it 'sacred'?Actually, if Almighty God had the Bible written, then that's reason enough for 'believers' to consider the Bible as a 'sacred document' from the Creator of the whole Universe.So to answer that question from the Bible's perspective: Why are sacred writings important to believers?The answer would be: Sacred Writings are important to 'believers' so that the 'believers' would know what the Creator wants them to know; How He expects them to conduct themselves.They can learn about what God's ORIGINAL Purpose really is, when he created this thing called 'man~KIND'. Was God's purpose to inhabit the heavens; or was his purpose to 'inherit the earth'. The 'sacred writings' would reveal the Creator to his Creation.

Is Tanakh the Hebrew word for for Torah?

No, Torah is Hebrew for Torah. The word 'Tanach' is actually an acronym made from the names of the three sections of the Jewish Bible: Torah, Nevi'im, K'tuvim.

The Hebrew bible is the babylonian?

The Hebrew Bible is not Babylonian.The Hebrew Bible is not Babylonian.