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Q: What are the three structural features of normal villi?
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What are the three types of villi?

The three types of villi are: Intestinal villi-microscopic finger like projections on the inner surface of the ileum. Chorionic villi-villi on the outermost membrane of the foetus. Arachnoid villi-villi on the arachnoid membrane of the brain.

What are the structural modifications of the small intestine to increase surface area?

villi, microvilli, and plicae circulares/circularbfolds

Which part of the digestive system contains structural adaptations called villi that increase the surface area for the absorption of nutrients?


Would having fewer villi in you small intestine make you underweight or overweight?

they would be underweight because they would have fewer villi and it is FEWER than normal

What are the four major components of the?

Secretive layer= mucus glands Absorptive layer= villi (mucosa, lymphatics) Mechanopropulsive layer= muscle structural layer= serosa

Would a person be overweight or underweight if they had small intestine that has fewer villi then normal?

he would be fine! :D

If an animal didn't have villi how would it overcome this problem?

It would not. Villi, like all living features, were put in place to overcome a problematical situation. Remove a solution without otherwise dealing with the problem is a dead-end.

What 2 features of a villi help the small intestine function?

Large surface area Thin- Short distance for diffusion

What are the four major components of intestines?

Secretive layer= mucus glands Absorptive layer= villi (mucosa, lymphatics) Mechanopropulsive layer= muscle structural layer= serosa

What structure enables the small intestine to absorb large amounts of nutrients?


What is a easy definition for micro villi?

A micro villi is a micro villi

What structure helps increase the surface area available for absorption?

The intestinal wall has invaginations (or dips) that have a much larger surface ares compared to a simple tube