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1. USA

(1) U.S. has many powerful allies, for example: UK, Japan, South Korea, Israel, Colombia and many more.

(2) U.S. holds one of the 5 UN Security Council Seats.

(3) U.S. is home to world's leading companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple and many more.

(4) U.S. is home to Hollywood and basicly to all the influential Film Studios (And Movies are watched by millions if not billions and definitely influences the way people think)

(5) U.S. Has World's 3rd biggest population of 308 million people and is the 3rd largest country in the world with many Natural Resources.

(6) U.S. has the world's most influential culture.

(7) U.S. is a nuclear power with 2,468/9,600 nuclear weapons.

2. China

(1) China has many allies, for example: North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Burma and many more.

(2) China holds one of the 5 UN Security Council Seats.

(3) China's economy will become worlds biggest by 2050 with an estimated $38 trillion.

(4) China is a nuclear power with 180/240 nuclear weapons.

(5) China has the world's largest military force, with approximately 3 million members.

3. Russia

1) Russia has many allies, for example: Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbajan, Uzbekistan and more

(2) Russia holds one of the 5 UN Security Council Seats.

(3) Russia is a nuclear power with 4,650/12,000 nuclear weapons.

(4) Russia has world's 5th biggest military budget ($61 billion).

4. France

France has the 3rd biggest nuclear arsenal consisting of 300 Nuclear Weapons and a very well equipped and trained modern army. French Armed Forces constitutes the largest military in the European Union in terms of man-power and the third largest in NATO. France has world's 4th biggest military budget of $67 billion.

5. UK

UK has the world's 3rd biggest military budget of $69 billion. The British armed forces are the second largest military in the EU in terms of professional personnel and reserves. Also the UK has the largest air force and navy in the European Union and the second largest in NATO. UK has the second highest power projection capability in the world, behind the United States.

6. India

With a GDP of $1.2 trillion India has world's 10th biggest military budget ($36 billion) but the actual spending on the armed forces is estimated to be much higher than that. The Indian military currently employs some 1,325,000 Regular troops, 1,155,000 Reserve troops and 1,293,300 Paramilitary troops (total of 3,773,300 troops),thus giving India the second-largest standing military in the world as of 2010 after the China.

Currently, India imports close 70% of its weapons requirements largely from Russia, Israel, and more recently, the United States. The country's defence expenditure will be around $112 billion by 2016. Also India has the 6th biggest nuclear arsenal consisting of 80 Nuclear Weapons.

7. Japan

Japan has the world's 7th biggest military budget ($46 billion).

Japans Navy has an official strength of 46,000 personnel (currently around 45,800 personnel), operating some 110 major warships, including 2 helicopter carriers, 18 submarines, 47 destroyers and frigates, 29 mine warfare ships, 9 patrol craft and 9 amphibious ships (total displacement of approx. 432,000 tons). It also has 179 fixed-wing aircraft and 135 helicopters.

8. Germany

Germany has the world's 6th biggest military budget ($48 billion).

The Bundeswehr(German Armed Forces) employs 200,500 professional soldiers, 55,000 18-25 year-old conscripts who serve for at least six months under current rules, and 2,500 active reservists at any given time. Roughly 300,000 reservists are available to the Armed Forces and participate in defense exercises as well as deployments abroad. As of November 2009, the German military had about 8,300 troops stationed in foreign countries as part of various international peacekeeping forces, including 2,470 Bundeswehr soldiers in Kosovo, 4,520 German troops in the NATO-led ISAF force in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, and 450 troops with UNIFIL in Lebanon.

9. Brazil

Brazil's armed forces are the largest in Latin America, with 371,199 active-duty troops and officers. With no serious external or internal threats, the armed forces are searching for a new role. They are expanding their presence in the Amazon under the Northern Corridor (Calha Norte) program. In 1994 Brazilian troops joined United Nations (UN) peacekeeping forces in five countries. Brazil has the world's 12th biggest military budget ($27 billion).

10. Italy

Italy is a member of the G8, G20 and NATO. It has the world's seventh-largest economy witha $2.1 trillion GDP. Italy plays a prominent role in European and global military, cultural and diplomatic affairs. The country's European political, social and economic influence make it a major regional power, alongside the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Russia.

Italy has the world's 9th largest defence budget ($37 billion) and shares NATO's nuclear weapons. The total number of active military personnel is 308,000.

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