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There is no source on the internet for that has the prayers transliterated. The best I can do is attach a link (below) that has the full Hebrew text with a translation.

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Chabad has the prayers transliterated.

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Q: What are the transliterated Hebrew prayers for a circumcision?
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Hebrew is used in Judaism, in its Torah and the prayers. See also:More about Hebrew

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Names generally cannot be translated into Hebrew unless they are are names of Hebrew origin. But if you meant to say "transliterated" then the only place you can do that is here on wikianswers.

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Nope, I even looked in the Hebrew & Greek transliterated words

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No,Circumcision definitely dates back to the ancient Egyptians. which is most likely also origin Hebrew circumcision. The origin of circumcision is unknown. According to the Torah, Abraham circumcised himself and Isaac, but it is unknown if the tradition was known to other peoples at the time.

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