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A force of gravitational attraction exists between earth and every other material body in the universe. But the force of attraction toward the sun is so much larger than any of the others that all others may be approximately neglected in comparison, and there is only one significant force acting on the planet --- the gravitational attraction toward the sun.

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Answer:Weather-Climate and Natural Forces.

weathering and erosion

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Centrifugal force and gravitational pull from the sun

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air and lava

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Convection and Gravity

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Gravitational and magnetic forces.

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Q: What are the two forces that keep the earth on this path?
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What two forces keep earth in a constant path around the sun?

Only one force: the Sun's gravity. The centrifugal force is sometimes quoted as an opposing force, but it is actually a ficticious force. If there were really two opposing and equal forces, Earth would move in a straight line, not in an elipse.

What two opposing forces keep the moon from orbiting?

None. The moon orbits the Earth, Earth orbits the Sun. Inertia and the gravity keep the moon in the Earth's orbit.

What two forces keep the moon and all other satellites in orbit around earth?

Gravity and Inertia

What is the two things that keep the earth in its orbit around the sun?

Nitrogen levels and surface radiation.

Earths magnetic field is not the cause of gravity?

Correct, Earth's magnetic field is caused by the movement of liquid iron in its outer core, while gravity is a fundamental force that exists between all objects with mass. Gravity is the force that attracts objects towards each other, while the magnetic field is a result of the flow of charged particles in the core.

What two tectonic forces keep the earth the same size?

None. The Earth remains the same size because it does not lose or add material (except for meteorites, which are negligable. Tectonic forces move the -parts- of the Earth around, moving the water out of the way as needed, but nothing is added to or taken from the Earth's size.

Is your weight the pull of gravity on you?

Weight is the measure of the gravitational force acting on an object. It is not the same as mass, which is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. In simpler terms, weight is the force that makes objects fall to the ground when dropped.

What are the forces that shapes the earth?

The two internal forces that shape the earth are volcanoes forcing magma through the crust and changes in the crust through forces like collisions.

What are the forces that shape the earth?

The two internal forces that shape the earth are volcanoes forcing magma through the crust and changes in the crust through forces like collisions.

What are two forces that are continually shaping the Earth's landforms?

The two types are erosion

Do inertia pull the moon towards the earth?

No, inertia is trying to keep the moon moving in a straight line, which would be away from Earth. Gravity is pulling the moon towards Earth. The result when these two forces are combined is the moon maintaining a constant orbit of Earth.

What two celestial bodies does gravity come from?

There is a pair of gravitational forces between every two masses in Creation. The two that influence the Earth the most are the Sun and the Moon. But the forces of gravity are also significant between Earth and Venus, and between Earth and Mars.