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the two tubes are phloem and xylem/

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Q: What are the two tubes in a plant stem?
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Related questions

Where would you look for tubes in a plant?

You would look in the stem for the tubes of a plant.

Where are the xylem and phloem tubes in the plant?

In the stem

Where are 3 places you can find tubes in a plant?

You can find tubes in the stem, leaves and in the trunk.

The vertical tubes within a plant's stem witch act like elevators transporting food and water and minerals and what and what?

The vertical tubes within a plant's stem which act like "elevators" for transporting food, water, and minerals are the

What is the function of a plant's stem?

The plant stem has two functions. The plant stem supports the leaves and flowers. The plant stem also transports water and food to the plant.

Where are the tubes that carry water and minerals from the roots to the other parts of the plant located?


What are plants that have tubes for carrying food and water?

Vascular Plants also known as Tracheophytes

The two types of tubes in a plant are the?

The two tubes are phloem and xylem

Why are aphids found mostly on the stem of the plant?

The phloem (food carrying tubes) and the xylem (water and minerals carrying tube) are found in the stem

What part of the stem do you think celery strings are?

The stringy cells are the xylem of the plant (tubes that the plant brings water through)

What part of a plant is made of tiny tubes for carrying water minerals and food?


Where plants live with soft and hollow stems?

(Arthrophytes ) Plant stems are filled with hollow tubes that run parallel to the stem. These tubes use pressure to transport water to areas of the plant that need it.