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The stem is is there to hold up the flower and it is the tube to carry the pollution that comes from the roots up to the bud itself.

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1d ago

The stem of a plant serves as a support structure, holding up the plant and its leaves, flowers, and fruits towards the sunlight. It also transports water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant and helps in the process of photosynthesis.

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Q: What does the stem do on a plant?
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How does the stem help the plant get what it needs?

The stem of a plant acts as a conduit, transporting water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plant through vascular tissues. It also provides support for the plant, allowing it to reach sunlight for photosynthesis and to disperse seeds. Additionally, the stem can store reserves of nutrients and energy for future growth.

What affects a plant's stem thickness?

A plant's stem thickness is influenced by genetics, environmental conditions (such as sunlight, water, and nutrients), and the plant's growth stage. Factors like nutrient availability and hormonal balance can also play a role in determining a plant's stem thickness.

What are the two tubes in a plant stem?

The two main tubes in a plant stem are the xylem and phloem. The xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant, while the phloem transports sugars produced during photosynthesis to various parts of the plant for energy.

What is the scientific name of stem?

The scientific name for the stem of a plant is "axis." It serves as the main structural support for the plant, connecting the roots to the leaves and facilitating the transport of water, nutrients, and sugars.

If you cut the stem of a flower and then put it in soil what will happen?

If you cut the stem of a flower and put it in soil, it is unlikely to root and grow into a new plant. Flowers typically require a node or a leaf on the stem to produce new roots. Placing just a cut stem in soil may lead to rotting rather than growth.

Related questions

Is tapioca a woody stem plant or a soft stem plant?

it is a woody stem plant

What is the function of a plant's stem?

The plant stem has two functions. The plant stem supports the leaves and flowers. The plant stem also transports water and food to the plant.

Is stem a shoot of a plant?

Yes, the shoot is a stem of a plant.

Is plant stem consider an organ?

yes the plant stem is considered an organ of the plant.

What kind of stem does a strawberry plant have?

A strawberry plant has a stem that is called a crown stem. The strawberry's stem is short and very wide.

What does a the stem of a plant?


Is the plant stem considered an organ?

yes the plant stem is considered an organ of the plant.

Why does the balsam plant have a soft stem?

The balsam plant has a soft stem because the stem is filled with water. The water in the stem keeps the plant upright. When there is little water in the plant the stem bends towards the ground.

What part of a plant keeps the plant stiff?

stem the stem sticks straight.

Is yam a vine?

No but its mostly a stem. The Yam plant has leaves and roots but the food is the stem of the plant. If you are talking about the food, yes but if you are talking about the plant, no.

How does the stem cell help the plant?

The cell in the plant stem helps the plant by transporting water and materials throughout the plant.

What is a word for the stem of the plant?

a stem of course