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Qualitative (things you can describe, like categories: gender or sport, variables like sm, m, and lg, or attitudes: agree/disagree, etc) and quantitative: things you can measure and report in numbers (like mass or volume)

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You probably mean qualitative data, which is non-numerical, and quantitative data, which is numerical measurements.

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Q: What are the two types of data in scientific method?
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What are the 2 types of data allowed in QBASIC?

the two types of data used in Qbasic is numeric data and alpha numeric data.

What is datatype.Define various types of data types?

In c language data types are used to specify the tye of data.for ex:int a;It means "a" is a variable of type integer.There are two types of data types in c.They areprimary data typessecondary data typesprimary data types are the built in data types and secondary data types are the user defined data for primary data types are int,float,char,long,double..and for secondary are arrays,structures,pointers,unions..

What type is data?

There Are Two main types of data. Qualitative data are expressed As numbers, obtained by counting or measuring. Another type of data is called an inference.An inference is a logical interpretation based on prior knowledge or experience.

What are various types of data conversion that can not be handled by compiler?

Data conversion which culminate in loss of data will usually lead to the generation of warning messages. Eg: from float to int. These conversions should be explicit. Also conversion between two different objects is only possible if there is a function specifying the conversion method.

What is structure in oops?

Structures can be defined as a tool for handling a group of logically related data items. They are user-defined and provide a method for packing together data of different types. Structure Student 'declaring a structure named Student Dim StudentId As Integer Dim StudentName As String 'declaring two fields of different data types in the structure End Structure Best Regards Nikhil Soni

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What are the two forms of scientific method?

The two different types of scientific method are discovery and hypothesis.

What is enterview method?

It is the collection data. It is two types 1 primary data 2.secoundari data so. what is the INTERVIEW method . I am is political student in S.V.U Tirupathi

What are the two types of observation in scientific method?

Qualitative and Quantitative.

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No two men invented the scientific method. The scientific method is a subjective concept that differs between scientists and institutions.

What are the different data types?

Theres two types of data, Continuous and discontinuous data.

What is the difference between scientific method to non scientific method?

The Difference between the two is that firstly, the scientific method relies purely on data gathered for inferences about a question while other methods (philosophical for example) rely on conjectures or ideas put forth without measurable observation. secondly the a conclusion drawn with the scientific method will have either support or criticism from peers, who through their own data or observations will prove to strengthen the conclusion. the experiment and results of the scientific method also comprises it's own data which supports itself while a philosophical method does not have evidence outside of the idea holder's thoughts.

What are they two types of data?

Empirical data and Historical data.

What are two examples of scientific method?

observation and hypothesis

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Applications and data are two types of software.

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The primary benefit of CRC is that it can detect more types of data errors than the other two methods.

What are the 2 types of data allowed in QBASIC?

the two types of data used in Qbasic is numeric data and alpha numeric data.

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