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Fusion (combining light atoms into heavier atoms), and fission (splitting heavy atoms).

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Q: What are the two ways nuclear energy can be released?
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A nuclear reaction in which an atoms nucleus is split into two smaller nuclei and energy is released as heat is known as?

nuclear fission

Energy that is released from an atomic nucleus?

Nuclear energy is held in the strong force holding the protons and neutrons together. There are two ways to release it:Fission of large nuclei into smaller ones - large nuclei (e.g. Uranium-235) are inherently unstable and when struck by a neutron split into two smaller nuclei (fission products - usually about 1/3 and 2/3 the original atomic mass) and 2 or 3 free neutrons plus the released nuclear energy as kinetic energy of these particles.Fusion of small nuclei into larger ones - small nuclei (e.g. Deuterium) are very stable, but when highly compressed and heated to millions of degrees, they will combine with each other releasing nuclear energy as kinetic energy of the product nuclei.Elements in the middle (from iron to lead) cannot undergo either fusion or fission as they have no excess nuclear energy (you can think of them as nuclear "ash").

The nuclear binding energy is released when a nucleus?

Nuclear binding energy, more correctly called nuclear force or residual binding energy, is released when a nucleus transitions from a state requiring more nuclear force to one requiring less nuclear force. An example is where a heavy nucleus such as uranium is split into two lighter nuclei. Another example is where two light nuclei, such as hydrogen, is fused in to a heavier nucleus. In both cases, the nuclear force required to sustain the result is less than the original component(s), and the differential nuclear force (and the corresponding mass) is released.

What is the difference between a hydrogen bomb and a nuclear bomb?

Gunpowder, TNT, C4 plastic explosive, nitroglycerin, etc. all release chemical energy that has nothing to do with the nuclei of the atoms in the chemicals. Any 'bomb' that makes an explosion with nuclear energy is a 'nuclear' bomb. The "Hydrogen Bomb" is one of them. So far, devices have been built and tested that use the atomic nucleus to make explosions in two different general ways: -- "fission" . . . the nuclear energy is released when one heavy nucleus splits into two or more lighter ones. This device is popularly known as the "Atomic Bomb". -- "fusion" . . . the nuclear energy is released when two light atomic nuclei join together to form a single one. This device is popularly known as the "Hydrogen Bomb".

Suns energy is most likely the result of the?

The Sun's energy comes from the energy released from the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei to form a helium nucleus.

Related questions

How does the human race utilize nuclear energy?

Basically, nuclear energy is used in two ways: * In nuclear reactors, to generate electricity. * In nuclear bombs (atom bombs) to cause destruction on a large scale.

When energy is released by the combination of two elements during a nuclear reaction what is it called?

You think probable to the energy of fusion.

A nuclear reaction in which an atoms nucleus is split into two smaller nuclei and energy is released as heat is known as?

nuclear fission

What kind of energy is produced when particle of metal are split into two?

Nuclear energy is released when uranium or plutonium nuclei are fissioned (split). Not clear what you mean by "particle", but nuclear energy only comes from a nuclear process, not a mechanical or chemical one.

Energy that is released from an atomic nucleus?

Nuclear energy is held in the strong force holding the protons and neutrons together. There are two ways to release it:Fission of large nuclei into smaller ones - large nuclei (e.g. Uranium-235) are inherently unstable and when struck by a neutron split into two smaller nuclei (fission products - usually about 1/3 and 2/3 the original atomic mass) and 2 or 3 free neutrons plus the released nuclear energy as kinetic energy of these particles.Fusion of small nuclei into larger ones - small nuclei (e.g. Deuterium) are very stable, but when highly compressed and heated to millions of degrees, they will combine with each other releasing nuclear energy as kinetic energy of the product nuclei.Elements in the middle (from iron to lead) cannot undergo either fusion or fission as they have no excess nuclear energy (you can think of them as nuclear "ash").

Where is the majority of the nuclear energy that lands on Earth produced?

The Sun and other stars make heat & light by nuclear reactions. Nuclear energy is produced two different ways: In one, large nuclei are split to release energy. In the other method, small nuclei are combined to release energy.

Energy released when atoms are fused together in atomic reactions?

In nuclear fusion, energy is released when atoms are combined or fused together to form a larger atom. This is how the sun produces energy. In nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, releasing energy. In nuclear power plants nuclear fission is used to produce electricity.

The nuclear binding energy is released when a nucleus?

Nuclear binding energy, more correctly called nuclear force or residual binding energy, is released when a nucleus transitions from a state requiring more nuclear force to one requiring less nuclear force. An example is where a heavy nucleus such as uranium is split into two lighter nuclei. Another example is where two light nuclei, such as hydrogen, is fused in to a heavier nucleus. In both cases, the nuclear force required to sustain the result is less than the original component(s), and the differential nuclear force (and the corresponding mass) is released.

What is the difference between a hydrogen bomb and a nuclear bomb?

Gunpowder, TNT, C4 plastic explosive, nitroglycerin, etc. all release chemical energy that has nothing to do with the nuclei of the atoms in the chemicals. Any 'bomb' that makes an explosion with nuclear energy is a 'nuclear' bomb. The "Hydrogen Bomb" is one of them. So far, devices have been built and tested that use the atomic nucleus to make explosions in two different general ways: -- "fission" . . . the nuclear energy is released when one heavy nucleus splits into two or more lighter ones. This device is popularly known as the "Atomic Bomb". -- "fusion" . . . the nuclear energy is released when two light atomic nuclei join together to form a single one. This device is popularly known as the "Hydrogen Bomb".

Suns energy is most likely the result of the?

The Sun's energy comes from the energy released from the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei to form a helium nucleus.

What is the meaning of nuclear?

Nuclear means having to do with the nucleus of the atom, that is the protons and neutrons that together compose [comprise] the nucleus. This is a definition of nuclear: It is an adjective and it is used in two ways. Either in reference to subatomic particles which comprise matter, or in reference to nuclear energy, which is energy harvested from the splitting of the atom - or the fusion of atoms - in order to generate steam.

What is the meaning of each symbol in the famous formula Eme2?

E is energy released. M is mass. C is the speed of light. The two is squared. The formula is the energy released when a nuclear reaction occurs which splits the atom.