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Technically, education is, by definition, the process by which knowledge is shared and transmitted. It is a concept of learning and retaining knowledge.

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5h ago

Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through formal or informal methods. It is a lifelong journey of learning and personal growth that helps individuals contribute to society, achieve their goals, and navigate the complexities of the world. Education encompasses academic subjects, social and emotional development, critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

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9y ago

The general concept of education is to equip learners with different skills. There are different stages of education which will be used as a medium to pass of knowledge.

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What is the modern concept of education?

OverallDevelopment of a person

What would happen if education never existed?

Society would likely struggle to advance and innovate, as education plays a fundamental role in developing knowledge, skills, and critical thinking. Without education, individuals may have limited opportunities for personal growth, leading to economic and social disparities. Overall, the absence of education could impede progress and hinder the overall well-being of communities.

What is old and modern concept of education?

The old concept of education focused on rote memorization and teacher-centered instruction, while the modern concept emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and student-centered learning. Old education was primarily focused on academic knowledge, while modern education emphasizes practical skills, collaboration, and lifelong learning.

Who invented the concept of basic education?

The concept of basic education was developed by Horace Mann in the United States during the mid-19th century. Mann advocated for a common school system that provided free, universal education to all children, regardless of their background or social status. His efforts helped establish the foundation for public education in the US.

What is the old concept of education?

The role that physical education play today is entirely different from roll in the past India physical education was a part of education and not separate discipline as it is today It was introduced only to develop vigor and preparation of