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Q: What are the x y z coordinates for London?
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What is a plane in autocad?

A plane in autocad is where you begin to draw it is the x and y coordinates if you want to call them coordinates or x and y lines. if your in 3D than it would consist of x y z planes.

What is the displacement of x and y?

x,y and z are rectangular coordinates, start at 0,0,0 move right, this is x direction, turn 90 deg. left, this is y direction, turn vertical this is z direction

What do x y z refer to in p orbitals?

That refers to the three coordinates in space.

When writing coordinates on a graph does the y or x axis come first?

The x axis comes first! The Y axis is second!Remember: X,Y,Z!

How do you Enter 3D Coordinates in GstarCAD?

Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates locate points when you are creating objects in 3D.Enter X.Y.Z coordinate3D Cartesian coordinates specify a precise location by using three coordinate values: X, Y, and Z.Entering 3D Cartesian coordinate values (X,Y,Z) is similar to entering 2D coordinate values (X,Y). In addition to specifying X and Y values, you also specify a Z value using the following format:X,Y,Z

What is circular cylinderical coordinates system?

Usually, cylindrical coordinates refers to the transformation x = r cos(theta), y = r sin(theta), z = z, although x, y, and z can be permuted. Cylindrical coordinates (r, theta, z) are very useful for describing three-dimensional objects whose cross-sections are easy to express in polar coordinates. Circular cylinders are a good example.

Typically a point in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates is represented by which of the following?


What are the different ways of describing points?

Points on a grid? It would then be x,y and z coordinates

How do you locate a point?

You can locate a point by associating it to coordinates, either in a two dimension plan, x, y, or three dimensional, x, y, z.

If a piece of paper is a plane in the X and Y axes and the Z axis is a pencil that stabbed straight down through the paper at the point where the X and Y axes meet then the coordinates of the center?

The X and Y axes meet at 0,0. X,Y, Z intersect at 0,0,0.

If x is y and y is z which statement must be be true?

If x = y and y = z then x = z

How do you change cartesian to spherical coordinates?

float2 CartesianToSpherical(float x, float y, float z) { float2 SphericalPos; SphericalPos.x = atan2(x,z)/6.28318f; if(SphericalPos.x < 0.0f) SphericalPos.x += 1.0f; SphericalPos.y = atan2(sqrt(x*x+z*z),y)/3.14159f; return SphericalPos; }