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1 : heterotrophic , 2 : Lack of chlorophyll , 3 : Lack of cell wall.

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Q: What are three characteristics of fungi share with animals?
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Is it true that protist are the only organisms that are classified in the Animalia Plantae and fungi kingdoms because they exhibit characteristics of all three?


What characteristics do fungi share?

Fungi generally have the following characteristics:1. They are eukaryotes. This means they have a nucleus which contains their genetic material (unlike bacteria, which do not have a nucleus).2. They are made of thin threads called hyphae. The hyphae form a branching network called a mycelium. However some fungi are made of a single cell eg yeast.3. The hyphae have a cell wall (like plant cells) made of a material called chitin (unlike plant cells).4. The hyphae are often multinucleate. This means that the cytoplasm is not divided up into separate cells, but contins many individual nuclei.5. Fungi do not contain chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plant cells. This means they cannot make their own food by photosynthesis (like plants do) but have to obtain ready-made food (like animals do).6. Most fungi are saprotrophic (also called saprophytic), which means they obtain their food by releasing digestive enzymes onto the food and then absorbingthe digested food. Some fungi live as parasites on other living organisms and get their food from their host. Others live as mutualists, forming a close relationship with another organism in which both benefit eg lichens are formed by a mutualistic relationship between fungi and algae.

Are fungi multi celled or single celled?

Fungi:Fungi is multi celled but can also be single celled. Fungi is not a plant, either. Fungi cant make its own food. Fungi absorbs food from the material they live on. An example of a Fungi is : Mushrooms, Yeast.

Describe three ways that fungi have adapted to increase the successful distribution of spores?

One way that fungi have adapted to increase the distribution of spores is by producing a vast quantity of spores, which increases the chances that some will be successful. Some fungi are specialized to attract insects and animals to spread the spores, and still other fungi scatter spores by wind.

What are three ways in which fungi harm humans?

Many fungi are pathogenic, causing diseases to variety of plants and animals. The saprophytic fungi decompose organic matter and complete the cycle of nitrogen and other similar elements. There are both beneficial and harmful affects of fungi on the environment.

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Is it true that protist are the only organisms that are classified in the Animalia Plantae and fungi kingdoms because they exhibit characteristics of all three?


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The 5 kingdoms are fungi, plante, eubacteria, protista, and animalia. But only 3 out of the 5 are multicellular. The three kingdoms that are multicellular are: 1) fungi 2) animalia 3) plante