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Q: What are tiny white pimples that itch on your body and then turn into a blood bump that is very painful.?
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Where are pimples all located at?

Pimples can appear anywhere on your body. Pimples can appear anywhere on your body.

Where are the white blood cells in the body?

In blood of the body

How many white blood cells do you have going around in your body?

there are about 6000-9000 WHITE BLOOD CELLS in your body

What colorless blood cells protect the body from disease?

the white blood cell protects the body against invading pathogens.

How many white blood cells are in the human body?

there are 20 white blood cells in the body Andy from China wrote this it is not true there are really 600048677000000475 white blood cells

Do mangoes cause the growth of pimples?

yes it is very high in calories , raise blood sugar level which aggravate acne

What does Leukemia do to white blood cells Anddd How do white blood cells function in the body?

leukemia affects your white blood cells by killing the and your body cant make enough blood cells to fight infections

How do white blood cells defend the body?

white blood cells defend your body by trapping the disease attacking your Deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA.) this helps get rid of germs as the white blood cells either come out at the next scratch or come out in waste

What does a white blood celll do?

A white blood cell is part of the immune system. You could think of a white blood cell as a body guard for your body against infectious diseases and foreign particles.

Why does your body need red blood cells and white blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells in your body while the white blood cells fight diseases.

What is the function of white cells?

There are several types of white blood cells and their main function is the same: to attack and/or remove foreign material from our bloodstream.