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1st amendment. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

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Freedom of speech and the freedom of religion

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Q: What are two rights or freedoms from the first amendment?
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Name the two rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

One right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is freedom of speech, found in the First Amendment. Another is the right to keep and bear arms, found in the Second Amendment.

Why are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called the Bill of Rights?

It means what they say. These describe rights of a US citizen as devised by our founding fathers. (The first, second, fourth and other amendments do not grant or guarantee any rights or freedoms. The First Amendment is restrictive only, limiting governnment by it not passing any laws that would abridge certain rights which had existed for decades. The Second did not grant the right to own and bear arms--only that this aleady existing right hall not be infringed. The ninth amendment is the one which had the people retail all rights, other than the ones already in the Consitution. The founders/framers also specified that public liberty or rights of the people, collectively, as the public or a partial public are retained as much as Individul Liberty, or rights of the person. Nearly all of the 12 clauses sent back to the States by the First Congress were prepared as individual declaratory/restrictive clauses and other amending clauses, with some statements changed only to make them restrictive. The third clause sent back was written days after what became the tenth and ninth amendments, which were the first two prepared and presented. The term Bill of Rights does not appear in the document sent back---but the First Congress specified in the document from where the declaratory/restrictive clauses came, and provided two major secondary reasons for them: To Prevent (1) Misconstruction of the Constitution and 2) abuse of its powers. The fact that they were ratified as individual clauses -- no A Bill of Rights document -- is that all clauses dropped two slots when the first two clauses were not ratified. The third clause---strictly a restrictive clause---dropped to the first slot and did not grant nor could it guarantee rights and freedoms, nor could it make any affirmative or positive statement, such as a separation of church and state, which one Supreme Court mistakenly claimed.

What did the US Bill of Rights do?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. They contain a list of individual rights and liberties, like freedom of speech, religion, and the press. They are rights that all citizens have and they cannot be taken away by the government. The Bill of Rights limits the powers of government. It protects two kinds of rights: rights of the individual, like freedom of speech, and rights of persons accused of crimes, like the right to trial by jury.

Examples of the 1st amendment?

The first amendment of the United States Constitution protects the rights of freedom of religion, press, petition, speech, and the right to peaceably assembly. The Amendment states that it guarantees freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press, and the right to assemble peaceably and to petition the government. It clearly states a person's basic rights to live in the United States of America. One of the major things it does is it prevents the government from controlling the nation and all its information. It goes along to state that the person has freedom to political speech as well. This amendment also separates the government from the church. This amendment is so very important, that without it, our nation would not be the way it is today. If someone were to say one thing bad about the person who runs the country, that person would possibly be arrested and jailed. Trial would not even help because before the amendment was made, trials were very unfair.

What are two examples of the US Bill of Rights?

Here are two examples of the Bill of Rights in the US Constitution: Amendment II. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Amendment VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

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What are two rights or freedoms from the amendment?

1st amendment. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

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What are the two rights that are guaranteed to citizens under the first amendment to the constitution of the US?

Two rights that were included were the Freedom of Speech and Jury Trials.

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The bill of rights lists many rights, but two of the rights listed are the rights to bear arms, and the right to a fair trial. It also lists many freedoms, such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Is it appropiate for the government to pass laws limiting your First Amendment rights?

two things its possible but they cant do that so no not really

When was the Equal Rights Amendment added to the Constitution?

The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed by Alice Paul in 1923, when it was first introduced to Congress. Since then it has failed to gain momentum in the US Legislature, gaining the most probable chance of passing in 1972 before spending a decade in deliberation before its eventual failure in 1982.

Name the two rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

One right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights is freedom of speech, found in the First Amendment. Another is the right to keep and bear arms, found in the Second Amendment.

What are two right protected by the first amendment?

Two rights that were included were the Freedom of Speech and Jury Trials.

Which two freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights apply to the situation in a meeting concerning gaeous waste?

Freedom of religion and the right to petition

What two goals did the writers of the Constitution try to achieve?

The writers of the constitution wanted to achieve the goals of protecting rights and freedoms and wanted to enforce laws at the same time.!!!!!!!