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They argued that British laws were unfair, so colonists wanted to be separate from Great Britain. Taxation before Representation really made people disagree with the King.

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Q: What argument was against the Stamp Act?
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He wasn't against the patriots, he was a patriot. He argued that Great Britian was unfairly taxing the colonies without their consent. Examples are the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Tonwshend Act.

How did parliament to the colonists' protests against the stamp act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.

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The Virginia Resolves against the stamp act were introduced to the Virginia house of burgesses by Patrick Henry in 1765

What was the purpose of the protest against the stamp act?

to cacle it

Who protested against the stamp act?

Benjamin Franklin

How did the parliament respond to the colonists protest against the stamp act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.

How did Parliament respond to the colonists protests against the Stamp Act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.

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The Sons of Liberty were formed to fight against the Stamp Act.

How did parliament respond to the colonists' protests against the stamp act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act as a response to the colonist protest.

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What act was passed to punish colonists for rebelling against Stamp Act?

The Townshend Act was passed in 1767 after the Colonists rebelled against the Stamp Act. The Townshend Act was a tax on glass, paint, lead, tea and other things the Colonists needed.