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The carboxylic acid group or -COOH group makes it acidic

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Q: What atom or group of atoms makes aspirin a Bronsted-Lowry acid?
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A group of atoms chemically joined?

If I undersstand your question correctly, a group of atoms that is joined by a covalent bond, and is neutral would be called a non-polar molecule.

What makes aspirin acidic?

theres acid in it

Does aspirin have a liquid form?

Aspirin is occassionally added to other multi-medication elixirs. Also, an aspirin elixir (baby aspirin) is also available. I seem to recall Bayer makes it, but I may be wrong.

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Why do some atoms bond with other atoms?

Atoms combine with other atoms to form compound. It makes the atoms stable.

How does aspirin benefit the society?

because it just makes people better and ting

What atoms makes up the most polymers?

Carbon and hydrogen atoms.

What makes group 1 the most reactive?

If I recall correctly, it's because they don't have any electrons in their atoms. Atoms react in order to get a full set of 8 electrons, and the less electrons an atom has, the more likely they are to react.

Does atoms makes a molecule?

In chemistry, a molecule is defined as a sufficiently stable electrically neutral group of at least two atoms in a definite arrangement held together by very strong chemical bonds. It can also be defined as a unit of two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds.

What part of an amino acid that makes it different from other amino acids?

The remainder group or R Group. An amino acid is constituted by the amine group, the carboxylic acid group, and the side chain (AKA Remainder group). It's the chemistry of the side chain that makes an amino acid unique from the other amino acids.

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