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There were many beliefs in the world at the time of Christ, most of them being the pagan state gods and personal gods. Judaism was, of course, the belief in Judaea and in the Jewish communities worldwide. There were the cults of Isis, Mithras and Cybele, among other local cults in various parts of the empire.

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Q: What beliefs were active in the roman world at the time of christ?
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What new religion emerged in the roman world Christianity was rooted in the beliefs and customs of?

There were not any new religions in the Roman Empire from which Christian beliefs and customs were rooted. Christianity itself was a new religion. Originally it was a sect of Jews and it was rooted in many of the beliefs and customs of Judaism. Then it strove to differentiate itself from Judaism. Judaism was an old religion, not a new one.

When precisely will the world end?

There is no way of knowing when that time will be. If you are a Christian you may believe that the signs spoken of in the bible precede just prior to Christ's return and the end of this world. Different religions have different beliefs.

Who was the Christianity-founder and what are the Christians beliefs?

The founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ who was God incarnate. Read about it more here:

Why did BC change to AD?

BC means before Christ and when Christ was born, they couldn't call it before Christ. that when they changed it to AD, which stands for Anno Domini, roughly translated into year of our lord. Fairly self explanatory. BC = Before Christ. AD = Anno (Year of) Domini (The Lord (Christ)). The change was the roman pinpoint of the birth of Christ. It is chronologically inaccurate but the world reference nonetheless.

How the Church assert control throughout the late Roman and medieval church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Church's mission as always been to be Christ to the world, and bring the people to Christ. She has never sought to "control" anything. Individuals, some quite sinful, have, over the centuries, sought control in one way or another, and there have been efforts by the church, for instance the Roman Inquisition, where the Church has sought to control heresy for the good of the people who were adversely affected. There have been some Popes who were a scandal to the Church, and for many centuries, the Vatican, by default, was the only government in Rome. Still and all, the church, for the main, has always been a servant, the "Bride of Christ."

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Why did the settlers want to spread their religious beliefs?

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What are the beliefs of Saint Martha?

The only indication from scripture about Martha's beliefs comes from her reply to a comment from Our Lord:"Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the son of God, who has come into the world."

What are some beliefs about Jesus Christ?

The main one is that he is the Son of God, (Luke 22.69,70), and the saviour of the world, (Acts 4.12)

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Are Roman Numerals pagen?

Pagan means a person holding religious beliefs that are different from so-called "main world" beliefs, and because the Romans were not pagan, their numerals were not either.

Why the Roman World was eventually Christianized?

the emporer Constantine claimed to have a vision from Christ and turned the state religion into christianity, stating it to be truth.

What new religion emerged in the roman world Christianity was rooted in the beliefs and customs of?

There were not any new religions in the Roman Empire from which Christian beliefs and customs were rooted. Christianity itself was a new religion. Originally it was a sect of Jews and it was rooted in many of the beliefs and customs of Judaism. Then it strove to differentiate itself from Judaism. Judaism was an old religion, not a new one.

Who the founder of the roman Catholic religions in his world?

Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church in this world. However, it was actually instituted (physically brought into existence) by St. Peter whom Christ gave a special mission to. If you look at Matthew 16:18, you'll see that Christ gives authority to Peter to found His Church. Peter took this mission to Rome, which was the center of the government, culture, and commerce at his time and he decided to found the church there. Thus the church is called the Roman Catholic Church.

What is Christocentricity mean?

Christocentricity means to place Christ at the center of one's faith, beliefs, and worldview. It involves placing a strong emphasis on the teachings, life, and significance of Jesus Christ in all aspects of one's life and understanding of the world.

When precisely will the world end?

There is no way of knowing when that time will be. If you are a Christian you may believe that the signs spoken of in the bible precede just prior to Christ's return and the end of this world. Different religions have different beliefs.

What was Benito M. beliefs IN THE World War 2?

Mussolini believed in creating in a New Roman Empire. It would stretch from Spain to Romania, Ethiopia to the Balkans and turning the Mediterranean sea into a 'Roman Lake'.

Why did the spreading of Jews through the Roman world affect Jewish culture?

For the same reasons that the culture of anypopulation will be affected if they spread out among other peoples. There is borrowing of language and other cultural matters. In terms of their religious practices and beliefs, however, the Jews borrowed nothing from the Roman world. On the contrary, it was Judaism which influenced the Roman world, directly and indirectly.