

What best determines inheritance in human blood types?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What best determines inheritance in human blood types?
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Which two terms best describe the inheritance of human blood types?

codominance and multiple alleles

Blood types A B AB and O are the result of what inheritance?

it depends on what blood type that your parent has

Blood types are determined by what?

By the presence or absence of two antigens.

What are the two types of inheritance involved with blood types?

polygenic inheritanceQ: What type of inheritance is blood type?A: multiple allelesOf all the blood types that hematologists concern themselves with, most people worry about the ABO type. The inheritance for the ABO blood type is codominant, as a parent with A type and a parent with B type can give birth to a child with AB type.

What does white blood cell count and differential mean?

A white blood cell (WBC) count determines the concentration of white blood cells in the patient's blood. A differential determines the percentage of each of the five types of mature white blood cells.

Does hybrid inheritance consist of ANY two types of inheritance?

There are only two types of inheritance to begin with: single inheritance and multiple inheritance. Since they are mutually exclusive there is no such thing as hybrid inheritance.

How can you determine possible blood types of offspring?

You can check your future offsprings blood type using an inheritance chart. If both you and your partner have A blood, then there is a great chance that the child will have A blood as well.

What is the test that determines the number of differentt types of leukocytes?

Blood smear? Differential count?

The blood types A B AB and O are the result of what inheritance multiple allelic polygenic or simple dominant?

Polygenic. :)

What are the types of blood for humans?

The four blood types for humans are: A, B, AB and OO. Also the RH factor determines is your blood type is RH negative (-) or RH positive (+). All blood types can then be classified as: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ or O-.

What are A B AB O?

they are all the different types of blood that us humans have. they are all the blood types that a human can have.

Different types of inheritances?

Single Inheritance Multiple Inheritance Multilevel Inheritance