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The Europeans had well organised and well armed forces. The people they conquered usually didn't.

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Q: What best summarizes why European nations were able to successfully colonize regions in Africa Asia and the Americas?
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The monroe doctrine stated that?

European nations should stop trying to colonize in the Americas

What document warned the european countries to not continue attempts to colonize the americas?

The Monroe Doctrine was this document.

What us doctrine proclaimed that European powers could no longer colonize or interfere with the Americas?

The Monroe Doctrine. Good Luck!

What statement best describes the message of the Monroe Doctrine?

Americans would resist European interventionEuropean countries could not colonize South America.Europe was no longer allowed to colonize the Americas.Europe could no longer colonize the americas.

Which european country did not colonize in America?

The Austrian Empire, the Prussian Empire, Poland, and the Northern Italian principalities call refrained from colonizing territories in the Americas. In fact, the European countries that did colonize only included: UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Russia.

Where did Portugal colonize in the Americas?

New Zealand

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Who warned Russia not to colonize the Americas?

James Monroe

Why are European countries establish colonies in the Americas and in the east?

The era of European colonization ended after WWII. Jamaica, for example, is no longer a colony, but an independent state that is part of a loose association of former colonies and the UK, known as the Commonwealth. If you are asking: why DID Europe colonize the Americas? It was to plunder their natural resources.

did the Greeks help Spain to colonize?

The Greeks provided no assistance to Spain's attempts to colonize the Americas, parts of Asia, or Africa.

Why did the spanish establish colonies in the Americas long before other European countries?

The Spanish established colonies in the Americas long before many other European countries because they were the early pioneers (or, pathfinders) in the Age of Exploration. With the inclination and income pertinent for supporting explorers, they sent out teams ready to colonize (and conquer) well before most of their European rivals.

What African countries were European colonies?

All of them, with two exceptions: Liberia Ethiopia (Italy attempted to colonize Ethiopia in 1936, and successfully controlled it until the British drove Italy out in 1941).