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Hanoi knew the US was leaving South Vietnam (leaving the war) as early as 1969, as that was Nixon's election campaign in 1968 (leaving with honor). Consequently, North Vietnam didn't want to do anything that would hinder that objective. Largely ineffective in winning the war, the US had to have some sort of "accomplishment" in Vietnam (after decades of fighting), Hanoi no doubt believed that if the "US was to save face (peace with honor) then it would be a "win win situation" if the US believed that "Operation Linebacker/Linebacker II" brought Hanoi back to the peace talks." With good timing and political language (political rhetoric) Linebacker/Linebacker II were credited with bringing Hanoi back to the negotiating table.

However, if the student will study those bombing campaigns real closely, they will find that SAC (Strategic Air Command) B52 fleet was suffering greatly; in some cases US crews were talking about refusing to fly missions over Hanoi due to excessive B52 losses (mostly to SAMS). There were only about 200 B52s left in the fleet (roughly only 700 had been built, and around 400 had been destroyed by treaties with the Soviet Union), 30 had been lost in the Vietnam War, and Linebacker/Linebacker II had cost the USAF over a dozen B52s shot down in just a few weeks. If the bombing campaign continued as it was for another 6 months (Rolling Thunder lasted 3 years) 6 months times 12 bombers destroyed equated to 72 B52s lost. This figure would have approached (if not reached) a 50% loss rate of SACs B52s...and remember the US was still fighting the cold war with the Soviet Union in 1972. The B52 was Americas ONLY effective manned offensive bomber against the USSR.

True, other US jets could have been used to level North Vietnam...the A6 Intruder medium bomber for one, but only 600 of those had been built, and 1/6th of that number had been destroyed in the war. With another 1/3rd being worn out or damaged as a result of wartime operations. The primary fighter bomber of the war over North Vietnam was Republics F105 Thunderchief (this single engine/single manned jet carried MORE bombs than a four engined WWII B17 heavy bomber). But only 833 Thunderchiefs had been built, and nearly 400 had been destroyed in the war. The "Thud" was pulled out of the war (the first US aircraft in history to be pulled off the front lines due to excessive loss rates) due to it's 50% loss rate (no longer combat effective in military jargon) and was replaced by the F4 Phantom II.

Bottom line: Linebacker II could've continued with victory if Hanoi became stubborn; but it would have cost an awful lot of very expensive US aircraft, and the crewmen that manned them.

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Q: What bombing campaign in Vietnam brought the North Vietnamese back to the negotiating table?
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Lyndon Johnson :) hope I helped!!!! Have a good day!

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