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The 'Good News' Bible is easy to understand and it is supposed to be a good version of English translation.

You can buy one in a Christian book shop or probably any book shop If you look in a second hand book shop you may find one.=

AnswerThere are many Bible versions that are easy to understand but are not necessarily accurate. I would recommend the NASB (The New American Standard Bible) as it it the most literal common version, while the next would be the King James Bible. This was written for 10-year olds to be able to understand it, and is still surprisingly accurate, but the obsolete pronouns may put some people off.

I would NOT recommend the NIV, or paraphrases such as "The Message".

Additional answer: Bible translations cover a broad spectrum of styles, but they fall into three basic categories. Interlinear translations are at one end of the spectrum. These translations contain the original-language text along with a word-for-word rendering into the target language.

Paraphrase translations fall at the other end of the spectrum. Translators of these versions freely restate the message of the Bible as they understand it in a way that they feel will appeal to their audience.

A third category embraces translations that endeavor to strike a balance between these two extremes. These versions of The Bible strive to convey the meaning and flavor of the original-language expressions while also making the text easy to read.

As one of Jehovah's Witnesses of course I would recommend The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

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12y ago

What is easiest is a relative term as what is easy for one person may not be for another. If someone is having difficulty understanding the NT, there are many tools for them to assist (study Bible, Concordance, Dictionary, Maps, etc).

Praying for understanding is something we are told in the Scriptures to do when reading them as there are many levels of understanding to be attained. In any event, perhaps the best starting point is the Gospel of John and his 3 letters. This is what I have told my daughter as she was reading from the beginning and getting lost.

Additional thought:

Also, find a modern (NOT paraphrased) Bible translation, where the language is relatively courant. Then most of the books will be pretty understandable once we know why they were written and what they're about. For instance, Matthew, Mark, Lukeand John were four different perspectives, written about the birth/life/ministry/death of Jesus, and the training he provided for those who would take the lead in Christian activities after his death. The book of Acts takes it a step further as it details the preaching work and activities of the early Christian congregation after Jesus' death. The letters to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians were written by the Apostle Paul to the various congregations formed in those cities, (Hebrews most likely to the Hebrew congregation in Judea), to encourage and correct them where needed. The rest of the letters, like Timothy, Titus, Philemon, James, Peter, John and Judewere written either TO the person named, or BY that person named, to someone else, to encourage, strengthen and direct what needs to be done in the congregations, to keep them unified and faithful. Revelation is, by all accounts, the most difficult for most people to understand, as it deals with symbolic and prophetic events.

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15y ago

The New Living Tramslation is well-known for being both clear and accurate. I think it is among the easiest to understand translations in English.

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