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The branch of government that the Equal Housing Lender falls into is The Programs Operations branch. This branch is responsible for funds, housing developments and grants.

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Q: What branch of government does the Equal Housing Lender fall under?
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Is equal housing lender liget?

"Equal Housing Lender" means that they claim to follow the law.

Which branch of your government has more power or do they have equal power?

they are all equal

Who has the greatest in each branch of the government?

they are all equal

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None is the weakest; they are all equal.

What a system in which no one government branch has too much power?

Checks and Balances. This is where each branch of government is put in place and has an equal amount of powers so that no one branch becomes to powerful.

Which branch of government is first among equal?

The United States Supreme Court

What branch of government has equal representation.2 per state?

Congress, or the Senate.

Why is the US Supreme Court the highest branch in Congress?

The Supreme Court is not in the Congress. The Supreme court is at the top of the judicial branch of government, a co-equal branch with Congess.

Which branch of government has most power?

None, all three of them have equal power,although they are different.

Questions and Answers About Government Housing?

What is government housing? Government housing is a type of housing funded by the federal government. These types of programs are generally only open to people who make below the poverty level, are employed and making below living wage, or are disabled and unable to work. Is government housing the same as the projects? In previous decades, sometime government housing was referred to as the projects. However, nowadays, that is not the case. There are all different types of government housing complexes. Some of them resemble the "projects" of former decades, but there are many which do not. Some more recent government housing complexes look strikingly similar to luxury apartment complexes. Will living near government housing bring down a property's value? Yes, close proximity to government house will decrease a property's value. This is because, in many places of the country, there is a stigma against government housing complexes and those who live there. Is military housing a government housing program? Well, technically, military housing is housing sponsored by the government. However, it is not actually considered a government housing program. Military housing is a perk for military families. It is not the result of military families being poor or disabled. How does one find out if they qualify for government housing? If you are curious if you qualify for government housing, speak with your local department of housing or department of children and families. They will be able to properly articulate to you the rules, requirements, and regulations of the government housing programs in your area. Can someone be denied government housing because of their race, sex, religion, or marital status? No, no one can be denied government housing due to any of those things. The Equal Housing Act makes it so that no one can be denied housing due to any government protected status, which includes the above, as well as other considerations. Are there any reasons someone might automatically not qualify for government housing? While a criminal record will not automatically disqualify someone for government housing, certain crimes may disqualify a person who is looking to live in government housing.

Which branch has the most power?

What branch of Government has the most power, and what are the houses in each branch.

Is one branch of government more powerful than the others?

Assuming this is the United States Government...Every branch of the government is supposed to equal. The government is devised to be a system of checks and balances...Meaning that if one branch tries to do something let's say unethical another branch of the government will have process check the situation and restore balance to the system.