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They come from fox terrier and pit bull. I have two and my male is mostly pitbull and the female is mostly fox terrier but they could reverse to.

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Q: What breed of dogs do Jack Russells come from?
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Which attacks more dogs or rabbit?

If he's untrained, yes.

How many babys do Jack Russells have?

None, Jack Russells are dogs, they have puppies not babies.

Are Jack Russells endangered?

No, Jack Russell breed of dogs are not endangered. As of 2013, there is no chance that the Jack Russell Terrier are in danger of going extinct any time soon.

Do all Jack Russells have webbed feet?

yes i have 2 jack russells and both of them have webbed feet.

Are Jack Russells the fastest dogs?

no... greyhounds are much faster dogs

Do Jack Russells like to sleep next to fire?

Most off the breed enjoy to because their coat is thinner than other dogs and they like to keep warm.

What is the bravest breed of dog?

german sheperds and jack russells are by far the bravest dogs and they will protect you from anyone that would try to hurt you and stand up for themselves.

How long are jack russells pregnant?

Like most dogs a Jack Russell bitch will deliver her pups about 63 days after copulation.

Can a Jack Russell be a police dog?

German Shepards are mostly police dogs it determines how aggressive they are and how trained they are

Are Jack Russell Terriers good in apartments or condos?

If the apartment or condo is small then no. Jack Russells are very hyper little dogs and need lots of space to run around in. I have one and she is very hyper. So Jack Russells arent really good in apartments or condos.

How do you draw a jack Russel terrier?

It helps if you have one, Jack Russells are a lively breed with lots of attitude and personality. It is their personality that you will eventually find and sketch, and that will make the drawings good. If you do not have a dog, you can work from photos, but these tend to be very subjective. Much as they are all "of a breed" it is the personality they show that makes them individuals. I do recommend in either case that you get to know the anatomy of dogs in general and Jack Russells in particular. You have to understand the skeletal structure and the musculature of you subjects in order for them to look "real." After that it is just practice, patience and more practice.

Are Jack Russells suitable in a house?

Yes they are very suitable in a household. Even with kids, they are very smart dogs aswell.