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a needle

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Q: What can I use to poke a hole in an egg before I boil it?
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How does an egg boil?

If it is in boiling water the egg will cook, but the egg will cook before the water in the egg boils.

Do hawks eat chicken eggs?

basically they poke a hole in the egg with there beek turnt eh egg over and viola! a hawk ate the egg

Should the egg be put directly into the water pan?

To boil it, better slit a small hole in the bottom of the egg. Then put it in the water.

What liquid turn to a solid when boil?

What is liquid that turn to a solid when boil is egg before boil its lequid after boild it is solid.

Cook eggs in boiling water?

Eggs dont boil. Hot water boils and cooks the egg contents in 30 minutes. It won't boil before it explodes. Test this in your microwave oven. They don't boil. You can only boil egg in hot water and that cook the egg shell's contents.

How long can an egg last boil before it goes bad?

Boiled egg lasts for two days before it goes bad.

How do you make Easter eggs to paint?

You use a thin knitting needle to make a small hole in both ends of the raw egg. Poke the needle inside to burst the yolk. Then gently blow through one hole until the insides of the egg has oozed out of the other hole, leaving an empty egg shell. You can now paint the egg shell as much as you want.

HOW will you eat a hard boil egg if you are not allowed to break the egg shell?

I Will Cook The Boil Egg And I Will Eat

How long should you leave an egg out before boiling?

you can boil an egg any time. Take it out from the refrigerator and cover it with aluminum foil( so that it doesn't crack while boiling) put it for boil

How long to boil kiwi egg?

Kiwi are protected birds. Therefore, it is illegal to boil a kiwi egg.

What are future directions for a bouncy egg?

boil eggs before you soak in vinegar for 3-4 days

How do you keep hard boil eggs from cracking?

Start them out in cold water. gradually increase the heat until just boiling really like a simmer. Once they start to boil cut off the heat, cover and they will not crack. If they are allowed to be at room temperature before boiling they will not likely crack.