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Organic matter and soil are additions that can be made to compost to improve drainage. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost benefits from fresh incorporations of organic matter through sprinklings of composted manure or of soil. Particularly conducive to and supportive of drainage will be loamy and sandy soil particles.

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Q: What can be added to compost to improve drainage?
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How much drainage do sunflowers need?

Sunflowers like to have good drainage. If you add plenty of compost to the soil, this can help to break poorly drained soil up. Also, you can raise the bed where they are to grow to improve drainage.

What do farmers use to make the soil more productive?

This depends on the basic soil condition and what type of plants you wish to grow. It the soil is in poor condition then humus,compost or other conditioners would improve the soil structure. Once the soil structure is sorted out apply fertilizer to the manufacturers instructions.

How do compost and mulch prevent soil erosion?

It is by respectively amending and covering soil that compost and mulch can prevent soil erosion. Compost puts fresh, nutrient-rich humus into the soil to improve aeration, drainage, fertility, moisture, structure, and texture while mulch holds soil in place, keeps moisture and temperature at proper levels, and puts nutrients back into the soil as it wears out after about 3+ years.

What makes a good soil additive?

It depends what you are adding it for. If you want to improve the condition of light sandy soil add humus rich material such as compost or peat to help retain moisture .If the soil is clay or heavy add rough sand or gravel to improve drainage. In both cases fork the material in.

How can you improve soil for gardening?

The best way to improve soil for gardening is to use compost. Plants need food and it is better to use compost than fertilizer as long as the compost is aged and the right type for the plant. Test your soil and know what you need.

Give the functions of sand in the soil?

Sand dries up the soil and slowly decomposes it into silt. ........ Sandy soil has better drainage than clay soil, but less water-retention. Often gardeners with sandy soil will have to add an organic additive like compost to their garden beds, this helps to improve moisture retention and aids the roots in having consistent access to nutrients. Sand is sometimes added to very rich, heavy soils to aid in drainage.

What are two ways in which people use compost?

Gardeners tend to use compost as mulch, natural fertilizer, and soil amendments. For all three uses improve soil drainage, fertility and structure. Compost is dark brown, fresh-smelling, organic matter-rich soil. It's the result of the breakdown of compostable materials that are mainly brown and carbon-rich, or green and nitrogen-rich. Their breakdown releases these and other nutrients into the soil, for soil and plant use.

Why do gardeners often build compost heaps on a pile of loose fitting sticks or bricks?

Circulation, drainage, ease, security and support are reasons why gardeners build compost heaps on a pile of loose-fitting bricks or sticks. The raised level makes it easier for gardeners to add to or to turn or water compost piles and more difficult for foraging wildlife to access compost heap contents. It permits drainage of excess liquids, rainfall and waterings and provides structure and support for the unconfined, unsheltered pile.

Why do gardeners often build compost heaps on a pile of loose-fitting bricks or sticks?

Circulation, drainage, ease, security and support are reasons why gardeners build compost heaps on a pile of loose-fitting bricks or sticks. The raised level makes it easier for gardeners to add to or to turn or water compost piles and more difficult for foraging wildlife to access compost heap contents. It permits drainage of excess liquids, rainfall and waterings and provides structure and support for the unconfined, unsheltered pile.

What kind of compost mix do you buy for roses to put in a tub?

Aged garden is the kind of compost mix to buy (or make) for roses in a tub. Gravel needs to be on the bottom, which then is topped with a mix of one-third each of clay, decomposed compost, and sand for proper aeration, drainage, moisture, nutrients, and weed control.

Why is compost important in keeping soils healthy?

That it improves fertility and moisture are reasons why compost is important in keeping soil healthy. Compost is fresh-smelling and nutrient-rich so it improves soil structure and texture by aiding air pore creation as well as moisture and nutrient drainage and retention.

Why do plant pots have holes at the bottom?

For drainage. Without the hole, the compost would become waterlogged and the plant roots may rot away.