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is seen in chronic kidney disease, low thyroid, toxemia of pregnancy, and Alcoholism. Patients with gout excrete less than half the uric acid in their blood as other persons.

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Q: What can cause low uric acid levels?
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What is Uric Acid What Health Problems Can It Cause?

What is uric acid?Uric acid is a compound that gets produced when food breaks down. It is normally filtered by the kidneys and leaves the body through the urine. A small amount of uric acid may get excreted in the stool.What happens when there is too much uric acid in the body?Health problems can result if a person has too much uric acid in his body. One of the most common medical conditions associated with high levels of uric acid is gout. Gout occurs when uric acid builds up and forms solid crystals inside of the joints. Intense joint pain and inflammation are the primary symptoms associated with gout. Excessive uric acid can also cause kidney stones to form. In rare cases, a high levels of uric acid have lead to kidney failure.What happens when a person has too little uric acid in his body?A low level of uric acid is also a cause for concern. It may indicate zinc or iron deficiency. Low uric acid levels are also associated with multiple sclerosis. Women who take birth control pills or have very high estrogen levels are at an increased risk for developing this problem.How do doctors check uric acid levels?Checking a person's uric acid levels is relatively simple. All a physician has to do is obtain a sample of blood or urine from the patient. A normal uric acid level ranges from 3.0 to 7.0 mg/dl.How do doctors treat high or low uric acid levels?Doctors usually prescribe a medication such as fexobuxstat, which helps reduce the amount of uric acid that the body produces. This medication also helps the body excrete more uric acid. People who have low uric acid levels are advised to get more zinc in their or take a supplement.

Do carrots lower uric acid levels?

Uric acid is made as a result of proteins that have purines these are then turned into uric acid by the metabolism. Carrots are a low purine food and would produce only small amounts of uric acid.

Are Tapioca is good for uric acid?

Tapioca is generally considered safe for people with high uric acid levels. Tapioca is low in protein, which means it does not contain purines, a compound that can raise uric acid levels. Additionally, tapioca contains very few calories and virtually no fat, which can help reduce inflammation and lower uric acid levels. However, it is important to note that tapioca is high in carbohydrates and can be difficult to digest. This can cause bloating and other digestive issues, which can actually increase uric acid levels. Additionally, some people find that tapioca can cause an increase in blood sugar levels, which can also increase uric acid levels. Overall, tapioca can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet for people with high uric acid levels. However, it is important to be mindful of potential digestive issues and blood sugar levels associated with tapioca consumption.

Reduce Uric Acid Through a Low Protein Diet ?

During digestion the human body breaks down purines, a compound present in protein sources, such as meat, seafood, and poultry. Purines must be broken down to release proteins and other nutrients in a form that the human body can absorb. During purine digestion, a byproduct called uric acid is produced.What Does Uric Acid Do?In normal levels, uric acid is a helpful compound in the body. Uric acid serves as an antioxidant, providing beneficial effects to the lining of blood vessels. Excess uric should be processed by the kidneys and excreted as urine. If this does not happen properly, or if uric acid levels are too high, it can cause damage. The most common problem associated with high uric acid levels is gout, a painful arthritis condition. Gout can be debilitating if not properly treated, and reducing uric acid is of utmost importance.What Causes High Uric Acid Levels?As noted above, it is the kidneys' job to process and excrete excess uric acid. There are two reasons why kidneys may not be able to effectively process uric acid within the body. First, if the kidneys are unhealthy, they may not be capable of effectively filtering this compound from the blood. Alternatively, eating a diet that is high in purines can result in an excess of uric acid that even healthy kidneys cannot effectively filter out.Reducing Uric Acid LevelsNo matter what the cause of high uric acid levels, it is important to reduce this number to a healthy level. As noted above, excess levels of uric acid can cause inflammation in the form of gout. The primary way to reduce uric acid levels it to limit the consumption of high-purine foods. This includes red meat, poultry, and seafood. The consumption of alcohol should also be reduced, as this is known to reduce the body's ability to process uric acid. Finally, patients should drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day to help the kidneys flush excess uric acid from the bloodstream. Following these guidelines with doctor supervision should help lower levels of uric acid.

Is tapioca high in uric acid?

Tapioca is low in purines and as a result produces low uric acid.

Does Walnut increases Uric acid?

walnut is good 4 urice acid and high cholestrol.

What exactly are the best foods to lower uric acid?

Drinking 2-3 liters of water a day can lower uric acid naturally by helping the kidneys flush the uric acid out of the body. Also a change of diet may be needed by going on a diet low in purines. Foods to avoid would be fatty red meats, poultry, and Beer. Good foods to turn to that are low in purines would be tuna, salmon, bread, cereal, pasta, etc.

Are almonds good for uric acid?

Almonds are low in purines and therefore produce less uric acid.

Is pear bad for uric ACID?

Pears are very low in purines which in-turn makes them very low in the production of uric acid if you eat them.

Does stress cause uric acid increase?

In many instances, people have elevated uric acid levels for hereditary reasons.Diet may be a factor. High intake of dietary purine as well as fructose (and table sugar which is roughly 50% fructose) can cause increased levels of uric acid.Serum uric acid can be elevated due to reduced excretion by the kidneys.Fasting or rapid weight loss can temporarily elevate uric acid levels.Iron (Fe) activates xanthine oxidase (XO) and copper (Cu) deactivates it, so as men accumulate Fe with age (ferritin levels rise above 45 ng/dl) and Cu levels decline as testosterone levels drop with age (testosterone increases Cu half life), eventually the high Fe/Cu results in more active XO and higher urate levels. Excess Fe can be eliminated through phlebotomy (blood donation) and low Cu can be corrected through daily intake of 2 mg Cu per day, reducing urate levels.( Stress is not mentioned as a cause of uric acid increase.)Source: Wilkipedia

Is squash a source of uric acid?

Squash is low in purines so it does not produce a great deal of uric acid when it is metabolized by the body. You can eat as much as you like.

Does chocalate contain any uric acid?

No chocolate is low in purines and therefore does not produce a great deal of uric acid,