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They can they tend to look up to see what is hitting them and water pours into their nostrils.

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Q: What can happen to turkeys in the rain?
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Do wild turkeys roost in the rain?

I know all about wild turkeys, if it is raining turkeys will either ignore it or roost in their tree.

Why could rain be dangerous for the turkey?

Turkeys will turn their heads up and into the rain, and may drown as a result.

What could happen if a turkey look up when it rain?

The old wives tale is that the turkey would drown due to stupidity, but in fact turkeys are quite smart and they would just get water in their eyes. the turkey would drowned of stupidity

What are turkeys unusual habits?

They stare at the rain as it falls from the sky with their beaks wide open. This puts them in danger of drowning.

When did Symphonic Rain happen?

Symphonic Rain happened in 2004.

When did Vampire Rain happen?

Vampire Rain happened in 360.

When did Heavy Rain happen?

Heavy Rain happened in 2010.

What will happen when there is no rain?

There will be drought!

Would it be a good idea to genetically engineer giant turkeys and ride around on them?

No, They would become more intelligent then us and take over the world...PLANET OF THE TURKEYS... WHO NEEDS TANKS AND WAR PLANES?! WE GOT TURKEYS! What would happen to Thanksgiving?! Besides, we already have genetically engineered giant turkeys. They're called ostriches. And just for the record, why would you WANT to genetically engineer turkeys?

What will happen if there is a continuous rain?

it will flood

When did Battle of Rain happen?

Battle of Rain happened on 1632-04-15.

What happen when H2SO4 get mixed rain?

When Sulfuric Acid mixes with rain, it creates Acid Rain.