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Adenomyosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus (the myometrium). Adenomyosis can cause menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pressure, and bloating before menstrual periods and can result in heavy periods. The condition can be located throughout the entire uterus or localized in one spot.

While some women diagnosed with adenomyosis have no symptoms, the disease can cause:

Heavy, prolonged menstrual bleeding

Severe menstrual cramps

Abdominal pressure and bloating

Your doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve mild pain associated with adenomyosis. NSAIDs are usually started one to two days before the beginning of your period and continued through the first few of days of your period.

fu yan pill, it is made of chinese herbs which are safe and green, so just like food we eat, after taking it for 1 course, you felt much better, no sever pain, just slight one, and later after taking the full course for 4 months, you are cured from the origin

Symptoms such as heavy or painful periods can be controlled with hormonal therapies such as a levonorgestrel-releasing IUD (which is inserted into the uterus), aromatase inhibitors, and GnRH analogs.

In this minimally invasive procedure, tiny particles are used to block the blood vessels that provide blood flow to the adenomyosis. The particles are guided through a tiny tube inserted into the vagina through the cervix. With blood supply cut off, the adenomyosis shrinks. This procedure, however, is most commonly used to help shrink fibroids.

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How do you cure adenomyosis?

A known genetic link is also present and it does tend to run in family history.Women diagnosed with adenomyosis commonly have excess levels of the hormone estrogen.Usually adenomyosis is treated in several ways: palliative therapy with pain meds and hormone manipulation, or minor outpatient procedures and ultimately hysterectomy.Regardless of how adenomyosis develops, its growth depends on the circulating estrogen in a woman's body. When estrogen production decreases at menopause, adenomyosis eventually goes away.

Diffuse adenomyosis in a 50 year old woman?

Adenomyosis is a tough disease for elderly women , the pain is unbearable and the antibiotics is not working when treating adenomyosis , the Chinese herbal med Fuyan pill can cure adenomyosis . And this medicine has applied for a patent. "Fuyan pill" has the function to clear away heat and toxic material. Actually, after taking this medicine continuously for three months, different kind of bacteria and tubercle bacillus are killed, the adenomyosis is cured completely .

Can adenomyosis turn into cancer?

Yes , adenomyosis can cause cancer if you leave it untreated , and your life will be changed greatly if you can not get the cure of it . You will feel depressed and you are very anxious about your life everyday and you are annoying about the bleeding . If you experience prolonged, heavy bleeding, chronic anemia may result. It is also the cause if infertility . Adenomyosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus (the myometrium). Adenomyosis can cause menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pressure, and bloating before menstrual periods and can result in heavy periods. The condition can be located throughout the entire uterus or localized in one spot. In case you are suffering from heavy uterine bleeding, do make it a point to check yourself for adenomyosis , as the more you delay, the greater harm you will be causing yourself. Adenomyosis is also known as internal endometriosis. Because many women who have adenomyosis also have endometriosis, it is difficult to tell precisely what role adenomyosis may play in fertility problems. However, some studies have shown that adenomyosis may contribute to infertility.

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What does it mean win your uterus is large n has a thickening lining around it?

I was just diagnosed with Diffuse Adenomyosis which is usually caused by trauma to the uterus from a c-section or pregnancy. Adenomyosis is cells/tissue growing on the trauma site, my MRI showed diffuse adenomyosis which encompasses my whole uterus and makes it 'heavy and bulky'. Four years ago I had an ultra sound and was told everything looked thick. I'm now going to be getting a hysterectomy of just the uterus because it's the only way to 'cure' it, I have constant pain and pressure. Hope this may helps. My family doctor couldn't diagnose this, he referred me to my OBGYN, she found it in a snap.

Is it possible to donate part of your pancreas to someone with diabetes to cure them without getting it yourself?

no, great idea but absouletely no.

Does urine smells when you have adenomyosis?

When you have adenomyosis , you will have menstrual pain during your period , Adenomyosis is a non-cancerous condition of the uterus that can mimic many of the signs and symptoms of fibroids. This condition results from the lining cells of the uterus growing directly into the muscle wall of the uterus. When the lining cells of the uterus bleed at the time of the menstrual period, these misplaced cells in the muscle bleed as well. And bleeding directly into the muscle causes pain. As the blood accumulates, the surrounding muscle swells and forms fibrous tissue in response to the irritation. This swollen area within the uterine muscle wall, called an adenomyoma, feels very much like a fibroid on examination and is often confused with a fibroid on a sonogram. Adenomyosis may be mild and cause no symptoms at all, or, in more severe forms, it may lead to heavy bleeding and severe cramping during menstrual periods. Adenomyosis is present in about 10 percent of women and, therefore, is less common than fibroids. To cure this disease , the fuyan pill is a very good recommendation to you . Do not use the urine test to know if you have adenomyosis.

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cant you cure it at The Cure? if no then go be a werepyre by getting bitten by wolfwing then go cure it.

What are the treatments for adenomyosis and can i get pregnancy?

Adenomyosis is the uterine lining growing into the wall of the uterus. It can be quite painful and cause heavy bleeding. Treatment options include pain relievers, hormones, herbal medicine of Fuyan Pill and surgery like hysterectomy.

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It sounds like you answered your own question. if not ask again.