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If it is just for a day or two, the fish would probably be unharmed by a couple of days fasting. In that case I would not feed the fish anything. But if I knew I was going to be unable to feed the fish for an extended period of time, I would find someone else to have the fish because I was unable to look after them properly. Fish should be fed at least 2 times daily (morning and evening). The basic rules for keeping any kind of fish are. 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank need to have at least 50% of it water changed evey week. Comply with the above rules and your fish stand a chance of surviving. Fail to comply with them and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems.

and if you have pihranas then feed them your child

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12y ago
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12y ago

Most fish are also omnivores. Have any peas in the house? Split a few open and drop them in the tank(hopefully you have a tank). Other soft vegetables should do as well. Just don't leave them to sit in the tank for too long, they'll foul up the water.

If they're larger fish, which I'm guessing they aren't, you can use frozen cocktail shrimp, frozen fish fillets, even tuna fish. Just cut them up small enough for the fish, and anything frozen thaw first in a bowl with some tank water.

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apps USA

Lvl 3
4y ago

Alternate for fish food can be corainder stems and even if your are outstation you can drop some stems in fish tank... will help to surve for a week..

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Barry Allen

Lvl 1
3y ago
Hi apps USA thank you for the answer it really helped

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13y ago

if the fish is a smaller one then it would eat bugs. If it were bigger it would eat other small fish.

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9y ago

You can feed it bread crumbs.

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Q: What can i feed my goldfish when I run out of fish food?
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Can aquarium sharks eat goldfish flake food?

There are so many varieties (species) of fish called 'aquarium sharks' that it is impossible to answer your question with any accuracy/authority. However I would advise you to feed 'Goldfish Food' to goldfish and look for some other tropical fish food for any other 'tropical fish'.

What is Tropical fish flakes?

Tropical fish flakes tend to have more/different contents because they are designed to feed several different species of fish that require a varied diet. Goldfish food is designed for just one species of fish. Since there are both Goldfish food and Tropical food available it is common sense to feed the fish the correct and appropriate foods. The answer therefore is they can and may eat them but they are not the right food for them so eventually the fish will suffer.

What can you feed your goldfish if you run out of fish flakes?

If you have access to a garden you could dig for the goldfishes favourite food which is earthworms. Failing this, small pieces of uncooked beefheart and cooked lean meat (Chicken) will also be eaten as will bits of bread although too much bread is not good for them. I would advise you to get to a pet shop and buy some more goldfish food ASAP.

Can you put tropical fish in tank with goldfish?

No goldfish would prefer to have a lower temperature than any type of tropical fish, however some goldfish can withstand higher temperature if they are slowly acclimated to it! But in the long run goldfish would be happy with other goldfish and tropical fish with tropical fish... there is a reason you don't see the goldfish with the tropical fish in a good aquatic store.

Do goldfish eat cheese?

More than often the goldfish will eat the ghost shrimp.:( sad to say.But if you have a big tank where they can run and lots of plants and caves and stuff so they can hide ,I'd say go for it!you might get lucky.

If you run out of fish food is it safe to feed it hot sauce?

You would kill the fish by poluting the water if you added any kind of sauce to the water. The fish will survive a day or two without food until you can get some proper food for it/them.

Without feeding Oscar fish food how many times to you feed your Oscar feeder fish?

Oscars are carnivorous fish, so they can spend their entire lives eating insects, fish and other organisms smaller than itself. A Fightn' Fact- However, Goldfish are HORRIBLE feeder fish that contain too much fat. In short, Goldfish will kill your fish over time. Just buy a 5-10 gallon tank for guppies. They cost more upfront, but are less expensive in the long run. They breed rapidly so they re-stock themselves monthly. Guppies (whether pets or food) will save you a lot of money.

Can colored water effect the color of a goldfish?

Well the chemicals in the coloring can hurt the goldfish so it is not safe to have food die in a goldfishes tank!:p Hope that helps!

What tropical fish can live with goldfish?

it depens on what type of gold fish u have ( ordinary or fancy ) The simple answer is no. You can not keep tropical fish and coldwater fish (goldfish) successfully for long. Amongst other things, Goldfish run out of oxygen and tend to stress when kept too hot for too long. The metabolism of Tropicals slows down when the water is too cool and their organs simply shut down and the fish die.Tropical fish and goldfish prefer different temperatures; goldfish like to be at around 70F (room temp), whereas tropicals need more in the 78-84F range, and so putting them together can be problematic in that either the goldfish or the tropicals will be outside their normal temperature range, which can lead to stress and disease.

What happens if there is an overpopulation of fish in the ocean?

The fish will run out of food and a bunch of them will starve to death.

Can goldfish eat oats?

Yes, but not as their main food source. Oats do not provide enough protein, fats, or vitamins, but can be given for 1-2 days if you have just run out of your regular flakes or granules. Do not feed more than the fish can eat in 3-5 minutes: the leftovers will lose flavor and be ignored by your goldies, and then will rot and foul the water in your tank.

Your fish have run out of fish food what can you feed them instead?

You get rice crispys and crush them up but make sure you crushed them really good because they could snap crackle and pop in the fishes stomach !!! :O or you could chop bread in very little bits and give it to them