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Q: What can the fungus Rhizopus be used for?
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The fungus rhizopus can be used for?


Rhizopus nigricans in which group of microbe does it fall?

Rhizopus is a fungus, specifically a mold.

2 examples of fungus?

Mucor and Rhizopus

What is the common name of rhizopus stolonifer?

The common Bread Mold Fungus

Is the aspergillus unicellular?

No. aspergillus is a fungi, which is a eukaryote.

How do you get fungus on bread?

There are fungus spores floating around in the air. If you leave food out at room temperature the spores land on the food and start growing by feeding on the bread. Covering the food, such as leaving it in a sealed bag, prevent the spores landing on the food. Putting the food in the fridge stops the fungus growing because it does not like cold temperatures.

How do you create rhizopus oligosporus mold?

Hi guys, I made rhizopus oligosporus by cooked and drained rice. I got some green grey coloured fungus. I don't know if it is useful as the Tempe starter. Harry Achari

What is the role vital of fungi such as rhizopus in nature?

Rhizopus is a fungus which belongs to class zygomycotes of kingdom fungi. Fungi are very important decomposers of nature and only bacteria is more effective decomposer then fungi, so they have a role as recyclers of material in nature.

What is scientific name of rhizopus?

The scientific name of Rhizopus is Rhizopus stolonifer. It is a common bread mold that can spoil food and cause foodborne illnesses if consumed.

How does rhizopus eat?

Rhizopus is a genus of common saprobic fungi on plants and specialized parasites on animals. They are found on a wide variety of organic substrates, including "mature fruits and vegetables", faeces, jellies, syrups, leather, bread, peanuts and tobacco. Some Rhizopus species are opportunistic agents of human zygomycosis (fungal infection) and can be fatal. Rhizopus infections may also be a complication of diabetic ketoacidosis.This widespread genus includes ten species.

Differentiate the microscopic appearance of Aspergillus and Rhizopus based on the fruiting bodies?

aspergillus - conidium. rhizopus - sporangium

What is the scientific name of bread mold?

It is known as Rhizopus.