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Are you referring to problems as in structural problems or injuries? And are you referring to the structural defect called "cow hocked" and think that it is wrong to say such a thing because of the over-generalization of the word "cow"? If you are having structural problems in your herd with the hocks (which I assume to be the case), be they post-legged (hocks are too straight), or cow-hocked (hocks have too much angle), you are best to start making a list of who needs to be culled. Cattle with bad legs (and feet) are those that will break down the fastest because they cannot walk long distances well with bad legs. Bad hocks can cause spinal injury, hoof injury, and even leg strain if too much stress and strain is put on the legs - like a daily mile-long walk to and from the water station back out to pasture. Bulls cannot mount properly if they have bad legs, and cows start having lameness and back issues when bred repeatedly.

If your bull has bad hocks, get rid of him immediately. Also get rid of any of his daughters you've kept from him. Any cows that have bad hocks and other conformational issues should also be on the short-list. Cull those that are decreasing value to your herd, and keep those that are going to help improve it. But the bull is priority: if he's structurally unsound, no matter if it's just his legs or any other conformational issue, he will do the exact opposite of improving your herd--he will RUIN it. Buy a bull that is worth the money and is going to IMPROVE your herd. Keep that bull's daughters (if they are worth keeping) for replacements, if you wish to do so, so that you can get rid of your short-listed cows in three to five years.

Check out the following links on conformation. The more information you have on good, proper conformation, the more you will know who and what to cull from your herd.

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Q: What can you do about problems with cattle hocks?
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Bowed hocks are a structural defect of the hind limbs where the horse's hind legs appear to be bowed. Capped hocks are caused by injury to the bursa of the hock joint resulting in enlargement of the tip of the hock, giving them a knobbed appearance one or both hocks can be affected.

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it comes from the hind leg of an animal, like the ankle. it is from the 'old english' for hock or heel.

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Take a knife and cut the skin away from the meat. Some people may use other tools of there choice. You will need to pull down and cut as you work the hide down, especially if the animal's being hung from the hocks. For more a more specific how-to in skinning cattle, please see the slaughtering cattle article below in the related links.

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the two back legs are the hocks so the answer 2

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