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I'm going to define what "mental abuse is or isn't" so you can make a better judgment on your situation:

Mental Abuse: A member of your family (such a your father arguing with your mother or vice-versa.) Swearing at their mate or their children (constantly) and constantly saying things to the wife, husband or children "You'll never amount to anything" or "your stupid, lazy." Giving you orders to do something and then retracting those orders the person just gave and then say they never said them (mind games again.)

Mental Abuse IS NOT: Getting after one's children if they are not listening to good advice. If the teenager insists on breaking house rules such as not doing homework, sneaking out to date a girl/boy, staying out too late, hanging around with the wrong crowd, getting into drugs or alcohol or being verbally or physically abusive to one's parents.

If you feel you are truly abused then you can phone your local Mental Health and form a complaint. In Canada it's Children's Welfare. WARNING: If you do this then you could well be taken away from your parent(s) and put into foster care or become a ward of the court. If you do come from a very bad home then don't be afraid to reach out and get that help.

Good luckMarcy

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