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You fight to have your voice heard. Earth and water are very closely linked and even animals such as the beaver, etc., are necessary for the good of rivers and oceans. You can form groups of people or even join groups such as "Greenpeace" to fight big corporations and our governments. The bottom line to pollution is air quality (too many cars, industrial waste and humans that cause garbage and abandon it as if the earth is a free garbage dump.)

Many species of animals are near extinct and some is caused from chemicals in the ocean, rivers, etc., and most is simply caused by humans. Trees filter our air, so it makes sense to keep as many trees up as possible (or "new growth" which means replacing the trees lumber companies take. Canada does this, but, we also have the Pine Beetle which is annihilating our forests by the hector as we speak.)

Different fuel for cars so we don't need to rely on oil companies to pollute our oceans and air quality. In fact, there have been cars around for many years (best kept secret for all those years) that are capable of running without gas. I just saw a program on TV where they are using corn (sort of like the method of an old still) and a company is actually putting this product out now. However, there needs to be more places to get the source for the car and that's coming up hot and heavy. The great thing about this product is you can use this fuel in most cars with a device added to your motor and there are people that are out there that know how to do it and are waiting to do so as soon as this product becomes more available.

There are so many ways all of us can contribute to making this a better world and we do owe it to future generations.

If you don't think you can't win against big corporations then think again. Many people have worked hard and beat corporations and Erin Brockovich was one of them (water pollution). I read all the time where someone has found loopholes in the law to nail a corporation's butt or brought corporations to their knees through the media and now people are going after the oil companies themselves.

You have the choice of joining a group to make this a better world, or, you can contribute money to help those groups out. You could write the odd article in a newspaper or magazine or form your opinion on the web or on radio Talk Shows. Knowledge is the key!

Let your government know you don't like it and send a message to some oil companies and other greedy corporations that you don't like it and are prepared to fight. Once you bring the reason to the front of the line it can cause a lot of media. Corporations of any sort don't like it!

With all the plastic garbage thrown in our ocean maybe cut down on your plastic consumption, recycle what you do use, and if possible maybe try volunteering for clean up. I know there are other ways just keep researching it and the more you know... WAY TO GO!

The best way to stop marine pollution is to educate the people as to the cause and effects of pollution. What ever goes down the drain will eventually go into the water. Everything that goes into the ground has to eventually make its way to the water because the earth is porous. its like a big sponge. What doesn't evaporate soaks in. What does evaporate eventually comes down with the rain. Acid rain is where chemicals and pollutants are released into the sky and when it rains, down it comes onto the mountains, into the streams, into the rivers and into the oceans. The only way to not pollute is to contain the pollutants. Since this is not totally possible we have to learn how to properly discard what we throw away. Also the oils from cars and machinery that leaks onto the roads stays on the roadway until it rains. Then it washes into the creeks, rivers and storm sewers and eventually winds up in the oceans. There are many precautions put into place to help keep this from happening and every day there are more being used, but we have to keep trying. The next time you wash your car, see where the soapy water goes. It doesn't just disappear .

Build a house that filters the ocean soaking up garbage and letting water back out

I'm not really smart but i think we should put sump pumps or somthing with the same effect that will suck up the water and run it throw a filter and then return it back to the ocean so all the little fishes can swim again and we should lock ever little dirt bag that litters i our water for life and we can come up with our own group and name it water is in us foundation were we send out mags

Ocean pollution is caused by chemicals and other debris contaminating ocean waters. Oil spills, factory run off, and litter all contribute to the issue. Although some natural events, such as volcanoes, can cause some pollution, the majority come from human activities. Fortunately, there are many things that can be done to prevent this problem.

Water is one of the most valuable Natural Resources on Earth, and it needs to be protected. One of the best ways to do this is to learn about proper waste removal practices. Automobile oil, paint, and leftover cleaning chemicals should all be properly disposed of, and not just dumped down the drain, thrown away, or spilled on the ground. Any of these methods can affect the local water supply, and possibly lead to more pollution in the ocean.

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We can help pollution get better by slowing down a lot of things such as not using the car as much and not littering because littering doesn't just affect our land but affects animals in the ocean and on land. We are as well but little do we know it we also get affected by pollution it is said that it can give you cancer by inhaling polluted air. You can do your bit by walking from place to place if it is walking distance and don't litter because we do share the world with other nations and they get affected by pollution as well. If we keep going on the way we are going we are all going to die because the ozone layer will burn away to nothing.

Some pollution will always result from man's and nature's activities . The secret is to get the levels down to the natural assimilative capacity of the Earth's ecosystems.

To this end people should follow all the rules from kindergarten:

  • Pick up after themselves
  • Don't take more than you need
  • Clean-up the messes you make
  • Don't wait for someone else to tell you to do the right thing
  • Keep your neighbour's stuff as neatly as you want to have your0s kept
  • Don't make promises you can't keep

And the rule from camping:

  • Leave the campground a little cleaner than you found it

stop trowing away glass cardboard plastic . also stop smoking and using gas cars and stop using gas period to prevent pollution.

We can prevent pollution by recycling and using energy effitioant cars.

One of the most within-reach ways to stop pollution is to increase people's awareness that their actions are detrimental to the environment. Enough information together with product alternatives should determine more and more people to use only those products with a high safety level for the environment.

There are other little things that you can do to stop pollution from picking up your pet's litter to reporting illegal dumping of chemical substances. Thus, disposing of motor oils, trash, paint and other chemicals in the storm drains is completely illegal and is punishable by law.

And since we've mentioned paints, you can do something to stop pollution here too; water-based paints are the most reliable and environment friendly as compared to oil-based ones, ask at the decoration store department for guidance. You should think about all these aspects that contribute to the international effort to stop pollution. Prevention of pollution is the best policy to prevent lot of diseases.

Pollution is a process of spoiling the air,water,soil and also ecological systems in the surroundings.

We cannot prevent this pollution but we can control the hazardous activities of pollution in surroundings.It can be controlled by sending the waste gases which can affect plants,humans and also the animal lives to the atmosphere from various industries such as plastic,rubber,chemical,mining,petroleum industries through Chimneys and also using some air cooling techniques.Plastic based materials can be avoided.Hazardous pesticides & insecticides can be avoided.

Dont litter, help clean up an area. Carpool to work. Recycle.

Potentially, a good start would be understand the impact that it is inevitable that humans will one way or another change our planet, just as any major evolution or change in life (from multi-cell organisms to mammals) has done before. With this in mind, the leaders and peoples of the world need to try to curtail activities that are ultimately self-destructive (like burning oil, which pollutes the air and threatens to alter climate patterns that are depended upon) and pursue better overall usage of resources (in how we use and distribute things like water, food, and electricity). There are, of course, many different ways in which one can reach this end result...

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13y ago

the prime minister is letting people know what happens to the ocean if people pollute and hopefully people will feel sorry for our marine life and stop polluting

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11y ago

Recycling, energy saving bulbs the list goes on. Most hybrid cars aren't as good for the environment as you might think aswell

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a can in the ocean is pollution.

What is ocean polution?

Ocean pollution is garbage or chemicals that are spilled into the ocean. Plastics and fertilizers are the most common forms of ocean pollution.

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Answer this question… A politician demands that the government eliminate regulations on how much pollution a business can create.

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most ocean pollution comes from human activities and natural occurences

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I think that the ocean water turns green is by pollution

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Industrial effluents.

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=== ===

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Global warming does not really affect ocean pollution. However, ocean pollution is something that is effecting global warming. This is because the pollutants are what is causing the warming trend.

Which type of ocean pollution is the most common?

The most common type of ocean pollution is garbage or sewage. They are readily dumped into the ocean by ships and countries located along the ocean.